chapter 25

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Leo kicked opened his parents’ bedroom door. He didn’t care his parents were still in bed.

Leo was dressed in a stylish black outfit. He knew he was a handsome boy. Many agents have scouted him on the streets and given their business cards to him. But he wasn’t interested in becoming a star. It was his dad’s fault he was bugged by strangers, his dad was a handsome man.

Leo checked out his dad’s body from top to bottom. “Dad, you have a beautifully sculpted body.”

Jennie wasn’t flustered by his son’s praise. He got out of bed and grabbed a shirt from the cupboard.

“Who taught you that phrase?” Jennie asked.

“Lisa,” Leo said.

Jennie looked suspiciously at his wife who was pretending to be sleeping under the bedsheet.

Leo stole a glance at his mom and smiled. “Dad, I’ll tell you a secret.”

Although Leo was telling his dad a secret, he purposely didn’t whisper.

“Lisa loves catalogue models in magazines who have toned muscles. It’s her favorite type of man.”

“Little boy, those magazines belong to your godmother,” Lisa said. “I didn’t buy those magazines.”

Lisa couldn’t keep pretending she was asleep, because she was framed. She forced herself to crawl out of bed otherwise her son would say more nonsense.

“Mom, can you say you’ve never looked at the magazines?” Leo asked.

Leo creased his brows identical to his dad’s creased brows. It made Lisa want to kick both of them outside.

“I only browsed the magazines a bit,” Lisa said. “But it’s because they were conveniently at my fingertips… it’s a waste if I don’t look at the magazines your godmother bought.”

Lisa laughed awkwardly.

“Were the men handsome?” Jennie asked and finished dressing.

“What?” Lisa pretended she didn’t hear.

Jennie patiently asked again. “Were the men handsome?”

“You’re… more handsome,” Lisa said sweetly.

Lisa valued her life and didn’t want to die mysteriously. Jennie couldn’t help but smile briefly.

Leo saw his dad’s happiness to hear his mom praise his dad. “Dad, Hanbin said you want to go to North America.”

“Leo, you need to call him uncle, Uncle Hanbin,” Lisa corrected.

Although Lisa called Hanbin just Hanbin, she wanted to teach Leo how to address his elders respectively.

“Yes mom,” Leo agreed even though his mom was being hypocritical. “Dad, this time I want to go overseas with you and mom.”

“No,” Jennie and Lisa said firmly at the same time

“Why not?” Leo asked.

Although Leo was a young boy, he thought his dad would take his side. He looked at his dad to silently threaten if his dad refused to take him overseas again then he would match make his mom with another man, and his dad would be angry to death.

“Because you need to go to school,” Lisa said.

Lisa wanted her son to experience going to school with children his own age.

"son, do you want to eat?” Jennie deflected the conversation.

Leo was surprised by his dad’s sudden question and nodded his head.

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