chapter 20

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Lisa turned on her laptop.

A while later Lisa was smiling in front of her laptop screen, she unlocked Jennie’s security system.

Unbeknownst to Lisa, Jennie was watching her movements on the camera screen in the study room. If he didn’t order the guards not to patrol the front gate in the morning then Lisa wouldn’t have been able to leave easily. As long as Lisa was happy, he would let her work.

After Jennie couldn’t see Lisa on the camera screen, he turned it off and sign off on reviewed reports.

“You’ll be in charge of wedding planning,” Jennie said to Hanbin.

“Boss, it’s a complicated matter,” Hanbin said. “If you want to satisfy Miss Lisa, I think you should ask what wedding style she likes. Does she want a western or an eastern style wedding? Who she wants to invite to the wedding, who boss wants to invite and…”

“And?” Jennie asked.

“Boss, you need to meet Miss Lisa’s parents,” Hanbin said.

“Is it important for me to meet my wife’s parents?” Jennie asked.

“Boss, it’s very important to meet your wife’s parents,” Hanbin said. “If you want to give your wife a proper wedding ceremony and reception, you need to ask for your wife’s parents' blessing to give away their daughter to you.”

Jennie thought about meeting Lisa’s parents and nodded. “OK, you can leave.”

“Yes, boss,” Hanbin said.


Outside the oblivious Lisa relaxed the moment she escaped undetected, like a free uncaged bird. She happily hailed a taxi to work.

At work Lisa put on her lab coat and her colleagues she hadn’t seen for a long time all greeted her.

“Lisa, how is your health?” a chorus of colleagues asked. Lisa politely nodded.

“Lisa, how was your stomach surgery?” another chorus of colleagues asked.

Lisa coughed awkwardly. “I’m healthier.”

“Lisa, why did you let your stomach ulcer deteriorate to such a bad condition…”

more questions were shot at Lisa.

Lisa could only politely smile and nod. Lisa walked faster to her assigned lab.

Inside Lisa’s lab, supervisor Seok Jin was waiting for her since early morning. He was happy to see her, she was like a daughter to him as well as the research company’s biggest asset. So her health was important, without her at work, her research experiments were halted.

"supervisor Seok Jin, I’ve fully recovered my health,” Lisa said. “Let’s discuss the final stage of my research.”

“OK,” Seok Jin said.

Later that day, Lisa was busy finishing her experiments that she forgot to eat. At lunch time her stomach ached, but she was keener to continue experimenting than eating.

After lunch time, Seok Jin entered Lisa’s lab. “Lisa, what’s your impression of Felix?”

“Who’s Felix?” Lisa asked.

“He’s the man you had an arranged lunch date with a while ago,” Seok Jin said.

Lisa was busy checking lab equipment and she didn’t pay attention to supervisor Seok Jin’s questions. “Not bad.”

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