chapter 5

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"teacher, next time don't make me pretend I'm sick," Leo said.

"If you're not sick then how can you come here and game online with me?" teacher asked.

"But if I act like a weakling too often Woo Jin will call me a sissy," Leo said.

"What other way is there?" teacher asked.

"Next time teacher can pretend you're sick and I can visit you," Leo said. "I can play with you and people will praised me for visiting the sick."

"OK... I lost another thousand to you," teacher said. Teacher couldn't believe he was losing to a little boy.

"I don't want to play anymore," Leo said. "teacher you keep losing."

"Hey little boy, didn't your mom teach you to give weaker competitors another chance to beat you," teacher said. "Don't tell me you never lost before."

"since I was born I've only lost to one person," Leo said. "I lost to my mom. Mom said one day I'll beat her at everything. I have confidence I'll beat mom too."

"Look at your little tail," teacher said. "It's grown up to the sky."

Teacher rubbed Leo's head. He was curious about Leo's mom. Leo told him his mother was gullible and only understood about science. But he could see in Leo's eyes that Leo loved his mom.

Jennie returned home and he wasn't pleased cause teacher was at home playing online games with a little boy.

Jennie sat on the sofa. "teacher if you have time to play with a little boy. Then why don't you explain to me how news about Cho Miyeon was leaked?"

Leo turned around and he looked at Jennie.

"teacher, why does uncle's face look identical to mine?" Leo asked. Leo ran to Jennie. Jennie felt he was staring at a mirror of his younger self.

"Uncle I admit you're handsome... I'm only a little more handsome," Leo said. "My mom said my dad is an Englishman. Why don't we take a DNA test? Perhaps you do have an adorable son."

"Who is your mom?" Jennie asked.

"Lisa Manoban" Leo said.

Mino was standing in the living room and thought it was too coincidental the little boy's mother had the same name as the young woman in boss' car.

"Teacher give me the little boy's report and I'll let go of the Miyeon incident," Jennie said.

"What report?" teacher asked innocently.

"Don't tell me you didn't investigate the little boy," Jennie said. "I don't want to waste time investigating something you have in your possession."

Jennie carried his son toward the car.

"Will it kill you to ask me nicely?" teacher asked. "You're not adorable at all. Remember to come home for dinner."

Jennie didn't answer but teacher knew Jennie heard.

"Bobby ask the chefs to cook all of young master's favorite dishes like steamed fish," teacher said.

"Yes teacher," Bobby said.

Bobby hadn't seen teacher that happy in a long time.

Outside the mansion Leo was happy to be carried by his dad. "Uncle where are you taking me?" Leo asked.

Jennie put his son in the car. "Call me dad."

"Dad how old are you?" Leo asked.

"twenty-eight," Jennie said.

"Dad you had me when you were twenty-four," Leo said. "Dad what do you do?"

"I sell weapons," Jennie said.

"Wow, Dad is a triad boss!" Leo said. He was happy his dad was stronger than Woo Jin's dad. "Dad will you teach me how to use a gun?"

"Um, after you turn eighteen," Jennie said.

"Dad will you take me to Macdonald after school?" Leo asked.

"Um," Jennie said.

Leo hugged his dad. "Dad do you know how to hit mom's bottom?"

"that will need negotiation," Jennie said.

Leo was happy to nap on his dad's shoulder. He thought it was good to have a dad.

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