chapter 28

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In the car, Lisa stared at Jennie’s ID for three minutes.

“Jennie, is this fake?” Lisa asked.

Leo was sleeping soundly in Jennie’s arms. Jennie didn’t want to wake up Leo so he spoke softly to Lisa.

“Do you think I would forge something like this?” Jennie asked Lisa.

Lisa thought it was impossible Jennie who was a triad boss could also hold the position of the head of the National Security Department.

Jennie didn’t think much of being head of the National Security Department. The national government couldn’t control Ni Sheng’s operations so the national government struck a deal with Jennie.

The national government agreed to turn a blind eye to Ni Sheng’s operations if Jennie promised not to do anything to terrorize the public. Jennie thought the national government benefited more from their agreement, because Ni Sheng supplied most of the national government’s weapons.

Leo didn’t want to sleep, because he thought seeing his dad in action at the port was more exciting than his dad taking him out to play. But his young body was tired. He hugged his dad in his sleep.

Lisa watched Leo sleep in Jennie’s arms while she thought about the day’s traumatic events. She was grateful Jennie was there by hers and Leo’s side. She didn’t want to think about what would have happened to her and Leo if Jennie and his gang members weren’t there to save her and Leo.

Jennie and Lisa took Leo home safely. Jennie left Leo in teacher’s care, and he hired extra guards to protect Leo while he and Lisa were in Las Vegas. Afterward he, Lisa and the others went to the airport and boarded a private plane to Las Vegas.

Near the end of the plane trip, Jennie, Mina, Hanbin and Jackson folded their cards in a game of poker. Mino thought Lisa was bluffing, and he went all in.

“Miss Lisa, are you going to fold?” Mino asked.

“Mino, don’t gloat too soon,” Lisa said.

“Miss Lisa, don’t say I didn’t warn you, I have a trump card,” Mino said.

“Lisa, Mino is bluffing,” Jennie said.

Lisa trusted Jennie’s intuition. Besides, she had nothing to fear even if she lost because Jennie gave her a gold card.

“Boss, you shouldn’t underestimate the cards in my hands,” Mino said.

“All in,” Lisa said.

Mino and Lisa showed their cards, Lisa had a royal flush and she won the poker game.

Lisa looked out the window, the plane landed at McCarran International Airport.

“Jennie, where are you planning to go after we land?” Lisa asked.

“Las Vegas,” Jennie said. “Mina will take you to a safe place to rest first.”

“Jennie, take me to Las Vegas with you,” Lisa said.

“Miss Lisa, have you caught the gambling fever?” Mino asked.

“No,” Lisa said. “I want to go sightseeing in Las Vegas.”

“Alright,” Jennie said. “Lisa I’ll take you with me. But Mina will be your guard. I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

Lisa nodded her head.

Later at the MGM Grand Las Vegas, Lisa was amazed by the neon lights and water fountains.

“Miss Lisa, wipe your drool,” Mino said. “Control your country bumpkin side. You’re boss’ wife, do you want everyone to think he married a country bumpkin?”

"so what if I’m a country bumpkin?” Lisa said. “It’s not my problem if Jennie married a country bumpkin.”

Mino knew Jennie was happy for Lisa to be herself so Mino let her be.

Lisa looked at all the different table games, and flashing lights.

Occasionally she touched statues, and jumped if water sprouted out of a water fountain.

“Jennie, I don’t want to go to the VIP room with you,” Lisa said. “I want to go play downstairs. Come get me when you’re done.”

“Mina, go downstairs with Lisa,” Jennie said.

“Jennie, I promise I won’t leave the casino,” Lisa said. “Mina doesn’t need to babysit me. Nothing will happen to me.”

“OK,” Jennie said. “Don’t leave the casino.”

Lisa nodded her head, and she walked downstairs.

At the cashier station, Lisa contemplated for a long time how much money she should exchange for chips.

“Fifty thousand,” Lisa said and gave the gold card to cashier.

The cashier gave back the gold card, and fifty orange chips to Lisa. Lisa forgot to tell the cashier she wanted fifty thousand Yuan instead of fifty thousand dollars. But she happily accepted the fifty orange chips, and she walked to the baccarat table.

Lisa placed fifty orange chips on the baccarat table, and the dealer dealt her an eight card and an ace card. She won one hundred orange chips, and she drew a big crowd to the baccarat table. She left the one hundred orange chips on the table, and the dealer dealt her a nine card and a king card. She won two hundred orange chips.

After Lisa won more than one million dollars, a security guard alerted the casino manager Irene Bae.

“Miss Irene, a young woman won more than one million dollars at the baccarat table,” the security guard reported.

Irene was dressed in a black pants suit, which showed off her legs.

“Is she playing dirty?” Irene asked.

“No,” the security guard said.

“What do you mean no?” Irene asked. "take me to her.”

After Lisa won the sixth game in a row, she wanted to take her winnings and leave the baccarat table. But Irene’s guards restrained Lisa’s arms, and they pulled her to a private room.

“Let go of me,” Lisa said. “What do you want?”

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