chapter 13

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The back of Lisa’s head hurt.

Lisa opened her eyes. Something was injected into her scalp and there was someone in front of a window. It was a man in a black suit. He turned around, his face was handsome but he had an aura of a messenger of death lurking in the shadows.

“What did you do to me?” Lisa asked.

“It’s a new poison that hasn’t been tested,” the man said.

The man helped Lisa sit upright on the chair like they were close friends for many years, and he spoke like he gave her something nutritious to eat.

“Father William?” Lisa asked.

“You have good hearing,” the man said. “But I’m not Father William. I’m Kim Jisoo.”

Lisa thought Jisoo was a familiar name. “Are you Kim Jisoo, Tan Lang’s boss?”

Although Lisa’s energy was drained, she could slowly say one word at a time.

“It’s a pleasure to have a beauty know who I am,” Jisoo said.

“Where’s Father William?” Lisa asked.

“I think Father William is in a happy place,” Jisoo said. "somewhere close to God and angels.”

Jisoo poured a glass of water for Lisa. “Do you want to drink water?” Jisoo asked.

Lisa wasn’t deceived by Jisoo’s hypnotic voice. She knew he was someone who didn’t value a person’s life.

“What poison did you give me?” Lisa asked.

“Miss Lisa, you have a poor memory,” Jisoo said. “I gave you a new untested poison.”

“Will I die?” Lisa asked.

“I don’t know if you'll die,” Jisoo said.

“Why?” Lisa asked. “Why must you kill innocent people?”

“Innocent?” Jisoo asked. “In the last year I wasted ten million dollars to invest in biological weapons. But at the final step, you lost my investment. It’s your fault for being Jennie’s woman too.”

“I didn’t see any of your weapons,” Lisa said.

Lisa remembered she went sightseeing that day so there wasn’t a possibility of her crossing paths with Jisoo’s weapons… unless it happened at the book shop.

“Miss Lisa, do you remember now?” Jisoo asked. Lisa realised she must have picked up the wrong book bag.

“Even if I accidently took it,” Lisa said. “Why did you kill Father William? He hasn’t wronged you.”

Lisa felt guilty. If she didn’t enter the cathedral then Father William would be alive.

“You don’t need to pity Father William,” Jisoo said. “He dared to sell opium in my district. You made it convenient for me to kill him.”

Jisoo looked at his watch. “It’s time. It’s been fun chatting with you.”

After Jisoo kissed Lisa’s forehead she became unconscious.

“I hope we”ll meet again,” Jisoo said and disappeared.

Jennie kicked the door down. Hanbin and Jackson were behind Jennie. They only saw Lisa’s unconscious body and the window was opened.

The phone on a table rang and Jennie picked up the phone.

“You arrived quicker than I expected,” Jisoo said.

“What did you do to her?” Jennie asked.

“What happened to small talk?” Jisoo asked.

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