chapter 23

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Lisa woke up and fell off the bed.

She thought last night was a dream. But the shiny gold card in the pillow meant Jennie did stand in the rain last night, and slept on the bed together with her.

Her thought broke cause her phone rang.

Ten call Lisa. He used the excuse of their graduate class reunion to meet up with Lisa.

Lisa was known as the beautiful prodigy in college. Most of her female classmates were jealous of her, and made her an outcast. While she was too preoccupied with practical research assignments to notice her male classmates had crushes on her, especially Ten.

Lisa roped Rosè to come to the class reunion for moral support.


Lisa’s former female classmates made snide remarks to put Lisa down. Lisa cried in the toilet until Rosè arrived at the restaurant.

Lisa re-joined the dinner table. Ten knelt in front of Lisa, held a bouquet of Rosès and he made a public love confession to Lisa.

“But… I… you… I have a son,” Lisa mombled.

The bitchy classmates called Lisa a liar.

“How many years have you been using the same excuse to reject Ten Lee?” one of the bitches asked.

“Your ‘son' should be 5 or 6 now. Why haven’t any of us met your son before?”

Ten pressured Lisa to accept his love confession.

“Lisa, will you be my girlfriend?” Ten asked.

“Hurry up and say you’ll be Ten Oppa’s girlfriend,” a bitch said.

Suddenly Mino showed up at the restaurant.

“What a lively get together,” Mino said sarcastically. “Am I intruding?”

Lisa was scared shitless. If Mino showed up, it meant Jennie wasn’t far from the restaurant.

“Why are you here?” Lisa asked Mino.

“Boss asked me to prepare gifts for Miss Lisa’s college friends,” Mino said.

Mino passed around expensive gifts, stood and pretended to leave.

“Oh, I forgot,” Mino lied. “Boss wants me to tell Miss Lisa, he hopes you’ll have a good time.”

Lisa was beyond scared.

“Mino…” Lisa pleaded Mino.

“Miss Lisa, do you have a request?” Mino taunted.

“Wait for me outside,” Lisa said.

“OK,” Mino said.

After Mino left, everyone at the dinner table was silent.

"Ten, let’s talk outside,” Lisa whispered, but everyone heard.


Outside Lisa and Ten stood in a quiet spot.

“Do you really have a son?” Ten asked Lisa.

“Um, I took a year off during college to give birth to my son,” Lisa said.

"that year, professor said you were studying overseas,” Ten said.

"Ten… I…” Lisa mombled.

“Are we still friends?” Ten asked dejectedly.

“Um,” Lisa said and relieved Ten stopped pressuring her.

“You should go,” Ten said. He pointed at Mino. “He’s been waiting for you a long time.”

“What about you?” Lisa asked.

Lisa could only look apologetically at Ten, and leave with Mino.

Mino escorted Lisa to a secret adjoining building to the restaurant.

“Miss Lisa, you should be worrying about yourself,” Mino said.

“What is there for me to worry about?” Lisa asked.

“Boss saw everything that happened inside the restaurant from the security camera,” Mino said.

“Everything?” Lisa asked.

“Um, everything,” Mino said. “Including another man kneeling in front of you and offering you a bouquet of Roses.”

“Mino…” Lisa pleaded.

“Yes?” Mino asked.

“You can stop taunting me,” Lisa said.

“OK, you’re right,” Mino confessed. “I’ll stop.”


Inside the secret building, Jennie was glaring at a big security screen. Hanbin and Jackson were standing behind Jennie and giving Lisa pity looks.

Lisa looked nervously at the screen. She was surprised to see live footage of Mina standing in front of a rival gang surrounded at gun point.

"the weapons are in Las Vegas,” Mr Lim said. “If you want more news, it’ll cost you 50 million.”

“It depends if Mr Lim’s news is worth that much,” Mina said.


After a failed negotiation, Lisa chased after an angry Jennie. She didn’t walk fast enough. So he wrapped an arm around her waist and escorted her to the car.

Everyone at the restaurant was looking out the window, and they saw the way Jennie was protective of Lisa until they disappeared in the car.

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