chapter 26

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Jennie’s Mercedes-Benz parked at McDonald’s.

In Woo Jin’s dad’s car, Woo Jin pushed the window down button.

“Dad, I want to eat McDonald’s,” Woo Jin said.

Woo Jin’s dad stopped talking on the phone, instructed the driver to go to McDonald’s and resumed talking on the phone.

“Uncle Moon, I want to go to the McDonald’s Leo’s dad’s car drove to,” Woo Jin said.

“Yes young master,” the driver said.

A while later the driver parked at McDonald’s.

The moment Woo Jin walked into McDonald’s, he saw Leo. Although Woo Jin’s dad wasn’t handsome as Leo’s dad, he thought at least his dad was richer than Leo’s dad.

“Dad, I want to sit over there,” Woo Jin said and pointed at the table next to Leo’s table.

“Woo Jin, I have to meet a client,” Woo Jin’s dad said. “I called your mom already. Uncle Moon will stay here with you and your mom will come here later.”

“Dad…” Woo Jin sulked and watched his dad leave.

Woo Jin stopped himself from crying after he saw Leo was looking at him.

“Uncle Moon I want to eat a chicken burger, fries and drink coke,” Woo Jin said.

“Young master, sit down first and I’ll order food for you,” Mr. Moon said.

Leo wasn’t impressed with his surroundings, but he saw Woo Jin sit on the table next to his table and acted excited.

“Dad, look at this toy,” Leo said. “It’s a fun toy.”

Leo inwardly berated himself, toys didn’t interest him, he preferred his computer.

“Dad, try the delicious fries,” Leo urged.

Jennie frowned. He didn’t like eating junk food. He could see his son hated eating junk food too, but they both forced themselves to eat junk food.

Lisa spotted Woo Jin and waved to him. “Woo Jin, you’re here too.”

“Hello aunty Lisa,” Woo Jin greeted.

Mr. Moon brought the food Woo Jin ordered to Woo Jin’s table.

“Uncle Moon, I want the same toy as Leo,” Woo Jin said.

“Leo, you don’t like this kind of toy,” Lisa said. “Why don’t you give your toy to Woo Jin?”

Lisa knew her son hated figurines. She didn’t want to waste money on something her son didn’t like so she suggested her son give the figurine to Woo Jin.

“Who said I didn’t like this toy?” Leo asked. “Mom can’t you see I’m having fun playing with it?”

Leo forced himself to play with the toy aeroplane. “Fly, fly.”

Lisa understood Leo was purposely showing off in front of Woo Jin. She was about to lecture Leo to play nice with his friends, but was startled by a loud voice from behind her.

“Woo Jin, sorry for making you wait,” Woo Jin’s mom said. “I ran here after I received your dad’s call.”

Woo Jin’s mom was dressed in expensive clothes, but she couldn’t fit properly on the chair and made the table shake after she sat down.

“Mom, don’t pinch my cheeks,” an embarrassed Woo Jin said.

Leo pitied Woo Jin’s cheeks. He thought their teacher pinching their cheeks didn’t look as painful as Woo Jin’s mom pinching Woo Jin’s cheeks.

Woo Jin’s mom noticed Leo was sitting on the table next to her son’s table.

“Isn’t that Leo?” Woo Jin’s mom asked. "the boy who has a mom but no dad?”

Jennie glared dangerously at Woo Jin’s mom.

Although Woo Jin’s mom was frightened by Jennie’s glare, she thought Jennie was a model.

Lisa was impressed Jennie could silence Woo Jin’s loud mom with a deadly glare.

“Hello I’m Tiffany,” Tiffany greeted Jennie. “I’m Woo Jin’s mom. Who are you?”

Lisa thought there was something wrong with Tiffany’s eyes, because Tiffany was blinking fast.

“I’m Leo’s dad,” Jennie said.

“No wonder Leo is such an adorable boy,” Tiffany said. “He inherited his looks from his dad. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Lisa was taken back how quickly her son turned from a boy who had a mom and no dad to an adorable boy. She silently ate one of the burgers her husband and son ordered, but she was the only one eating.

“Mom…” Woo Jin called.

Woo Jin knew his mom was distracted by Leo’s dad’s looks.

“Do you want to drink coffee with me tonight?” Tiffany asked and winked.

Lisa noticed Tiffany was showing off cleavage that was more impressive than Miyeon’s cleavage. While Tiffany’s chest was almost popping out of a tight top, Lisa silently finish eating a burger.

“I’m busy,” Jennie said coldly to Tiffany. He looked suspiciously at Leo who was enjoying his displeasure. "son, have you finished eating?”

“Yes,” Leo said.

Leo had seen enough of Tiffany’s tactless flirting.

“Let’s go,” Jennie said.

Jennie led his wife and son to the car.

Tiffany didn’t want to part with a handsome man so soon.

“Woo Jin’s let’s go,” Tiffany said.

“Mom, I haven’t finish eating,” Woo Jin said.

“You can wrap up the food and take it to the car,” Tiffany said.

Mr. Moon walked to the car first and Woo Jin reluctantly followed his mom to the car.

At the carpark, Jennie was opening the door for his wife and son when suddenly a bearded man grabbed Woo Jin hostage, and police cars surrounded the carpark.

“Woo Jin!” Tiffany cried out and fainted at the sight of a stranger holding her son at gun point.

“Mom…” Woo Jin said in a panicked voice and cried.

“Don’t come here,” the bearded man said. “Or I’ll shoot.”

The cops were worried the bearded man would shoot Woo Jin so they didn’t dare step toward the bearded man.

“Mom… mom…” Woo Jin called and cried louder.

“Little boy, I’ll shoot you if you don’t stop crying,” the bearded man threatened.

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