"Does anyone know, Trader Joe?"

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Third Person POV:
Word Count: 3,189
Trigger Warning: Slight description of Injury/Mentions of Panic Attack
(A/N: I have no fucking idea if anyone remembers this tiktok, but I'll put the link in a comment next to this because this is what it is based off of. I legit love this video so much :) and I know that those trigger warnings aren't all that cute, but I promise this is gonna be a happy/fluffy one-shot) 

Peter was extremely bored. So bored, in fact, that he was pretty sure he was going to die from boredom. Well, maybe he was just being dramatic, but at the moment he felt like he was going to die of boredom. Now, typically, he would just go patrolling when he got bored like this, but he wasn't allowed to do that right now because apparently it's a bad idea to patrol injured. Tony's words weren't quite phrased like that, though. It was more of "SO HELP ME GOD, PETER, IF YOU EVEN ATTEMPT TO WALK OUT OF THIS ROOM WITH THE THOUGHT OF PATROLLING I AM LITERALLY GOING TO HAVE F.R.I.D.A.Y. LOCK YOU INSIDE THE COMPOUND" or something like that. And despite how Peter wanted him to be wrong and he wanted to go out patrolling, he wouldn't. Because in the past 48 hours, he has already put Tony through hell.

In Peter's defense, he didn't mean to. It was literally just supposed to be a simple chase. He'd been in quite a few of those and he found them so thrilling. Yes, it was sometimes scary, especially if he was the one getting chased, but most of the time it was fun. It gave him some excitement. But things went sideways when the robber he was chasing jumped onto a motorcycle and started trying to run away with that. In the end, Peter got the guy, but they both crashed off of a bridge onto a high-way. The robber was hardly hurt, due to Peter catching most of the fall. Therefore, Peter was, in fact, really hurt. Like, ruptured spleen, six broken ribs, a large, ugly case of road rash along his left leg, and a concussion. And if it weren't for Karen, Peter might have just tried to walk it off instead of getting an Uber to drive him to the Upstate compound. That was actually kinda funny. The man was so awestruck that he didn't make Peter pay, which Peter felt bad for, but he was grateful. A nice perk of being Spider-Man.

Tony didn't know what to expect when F.R.I.D.A.Y. had alerted him that Peter was at the building. He was actually kind of bored and looking for something to do. Having some hours in the lab and maybe a movie night with the kid wouldn't be too bad. But, when he saw Peter still fully suited and crawling into the compound, he realized that lab hours weren't the way this visit was going to go. After quickly rushing Peter to Med-Bay and learning of all his injuries, he was on the verge of exploding. He actually did when he found out that Peter was going to have to get operated on because of his spleen. Well, he didn't quite explode right then and there, but he was sure on the verge of having a panic attack. Rhodey, Steve, and Pepper were able to calm him down. Bruce was working with their visitor, Dr. Strange, and some of the other doctor's that they had in the tower. Within a couple hours, they got him fixed up and soon he would be waking up, but still. Tony was pretty shaken, as were some of the other Avengers that were there and knew of Peter.

After Tony called May and caught her up to speed on things, they both collectively decided it would be better for Peter to stay at the Compound for a couple of days to ensure that he healed well. That, and to make sure that he didn't do anything stupid, like go out on patrol after being injured. May was worried, of course, but she trusted Tony. It took some time, but she could see that he cared for Peter and wanted the best for him. Tony promised May that he would have Peter call her when he woke up, which May was grateful for. He also promised to give Peter a long lecture about his actions. May was extremely grateful for that one as well. She wasn't good at giving Peter lectures, but she would if she needed to. Though, if Tony was willing to do it, she would totally let him. Co-parenting at its finest.

Peter doesn't remember the lecture word for word or anything. He was still pretty high on painkillers that the doctors had given him for the pain, but he got a basic understanding. Don't do stupid things. Especially with robbers and motorcycles. Tony didn't even try to lecture him again, just relieved that Peter was okay. But, boy, did that sure give Tony quite the scare. So much so that while Peter was sitting in his room at the Compound being bored, he was down in his lab working on a protocol that would inform Tony anytime Peter was doing something he deemed dangerous. Which was basically everything at the moment, but he would modify it so he wasn't getting alerted every time Peter ran into someone with a knife or every time he was helping someone across rushing traffic.

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