a calm day

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Third Person POV:
Trigger Warning: Mentions of Anxiety
Word Count: 4,297
A/n: This was sort of inspired by the text post up there, but it just kind of took its own route. I have no idea where my brain went with this or if it is even good, so yeah, here ya go :)

If there was one thing Peter wasn't used to, it was calm. He wasn't used to the quiet hum of a heater on an unsettling cool March day. He wasn't used to not hearing the sirens go throughout the city or the possibility of crimes from happening miles away. He wasn't used to the lack of homework or something to study for. He wasn't used to the calmness that had become of today. What Peter was used to was the insanity of his life. He was used to swinging through the city for hours, stopping countless crimes. He was used to piles of homework and tests galor to study for. He was used to his life being so busy that he couldn't hear the heater running late in the month or how the weather was that day. He was just used to his life going from day to day, and he didn't really mind it.

But now that he was lacking that busyness, he was starting to realize some of the smaller things. He was also starting to realize that he didn't know what to do when he had nothing to do like this. Typically, when there was a moment of calm in his life, he would preoccupy himself with something, such as patrolling, homework, studying, or some project. But, he couldn't do any of that. He wasn't allowed to patrol. Tony had personally asked him not to. The temperatures were below freezing and he didn't want a repeat of the hypothermia incident. He didn't have homework to do. He had a free period at school so he just did it then. He didn't have any tests to study for and M.J. told him to quit studying for decathlon before he studied himself dead. There weren't any projects for him to work on either. So, he was left with nothing but the calm.

He was in the living room of the compound that was upstate. He was currently sitting on the couch, just looking out the window. Small flurries of snow were beginning to fall. Though spring supposedly started a week ago, it was snowing. They were actually supposed to be hit by a snow storm. So, the flurries were only the start. As he watched the snow start to fall, he laughed at himself. Turns out that weather predicting groundhog was right. There would not be an early spring at all this year.

As he watched the snow fall, he couldn't help but feel his eyes starting to get heavy. There was something calm and peaceful about the snow falling with the mixture of the heater and the silence. It was welcoming, enveloping Peter in a much needed hug. He doesn't even remember deciding that he wanted to fall asleep. He just knew that at one second, he was watching the snow start to collect on the ground right outside of the window and then the next second, he was dreaming of playing in the snow with his homemade family.

Tony, Pepper, and Happy were all in the city. Tony was there because Pepper told him that he had to be there. It looked better when they fronted together. And even though the company was Pepper's, she knew that people liked it better when Tony was there and actually giving input. Happy was just their driver. He was originally going to be on Peter Parker duty, but alas, he found himself stuck in the city and wishing he could still be on Peter Parker duty. The meeting that they were attending was supposed to have ended one hour, thirty-four minutes, and twelve seconds ago. Tony knew the exact time because the second it hit two hours, he was going to walk out. He was so over this meeting and he didn't like the idea of Peter being alone at the compound. Not that he thought he was unsafe. He knew that Peter was probably in one of the safest places in the world right now. No, he was worried that Peter was either going to accidentally get himself hurt, or worse, pull a Clint level prank.

It was starting to stress Tony out. Obviously, it was just anxiety, but he was worried. He didn't like leaving the kid alone. He also didn't like being away from the kid after long periods of time. Sure, the kid lived with his Aunt and so he couldn't be with him all of the time, but he saw the kid at least three times a week, not including the weekends.

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