Birthday Balloons

630 21 37

Third Person POV: 
Word Count: 2,133
A/n: Just a short little bit of fluff for you guys. Thanks for the prompt my FF Writer dudes. You rock. 

Peter had no idea how he had ended up here. Actually, he did, but it still confused him.

Today was Morgan's birthday. Peter and May had both been invited to the birthday party. May wasn't able to attend the party, leaving Peter to go alone. Well, not really alone. Of course Tony, Pepper, Rhodey, Happy, and Morgan were there. Those were the only people that Peter knew there. But, rather than standing and socializing with the adults, he was currently sitting on the floor surrounded by a bunch of four and five year olds.

Peter learned that younger children asked a LOT of questions.

"Why does your hair look crusty?"

"You smell really nice. Better than my older brother. He stinks."

"My mommy and daddy told me not to eat my boogers anymore, but I think they taste great!"

"What's his name?"

"His name is Peter. Did you forget your listening ears at home today? Miss. Linguini would be disappointed."

"Do you want to color with me?"
"I like the actual blue crayon, not the fake blue crayon. The fake one makes me mad."

"Can you come to my birthday party?"

It was non-stop questions and comments with no time to respond. Peter would have laughed if it weren't for him being so uncomfortable. He didn't know what to do with kids. They were clingy and loud and annoying. Well, Morgan was the exception for that. He actually liked Morgan. She wasn't like most kids. She was smart, savage, and adorable. Other kids though? He just didn't know what to do with them.

Even as Spider-Man, Peter struggled with kids. He was nice to them. He would stop to autograph something for them if he saw them waving at him. Or he'd just stop down to say hello. The only other time he had dealt with kids were when they were with their parents. Typically, that was when he was fetching cats out of trees or balloons that had just gotten away from them.

The thought of balloons gave Peter an idea. He turned to Morgan, a mischievous smile on his face. "Hey, Morg, did dad get you balloons," he asked, making all the other kids go silent.

Morgan, who was currently talking about why Miss. Linguini was the best preschool teacher, stopped and looked at Peter. She immediately recognized that smile and perked up. "Yeah. He didn't blow them up though, so they are in the garage," she said. She stood up. "Do you want me to go ask him to get them?"

Peter shook his head, standing up. "No, it's okay. I'll go ask." He was desperate to get away from the children. Not only that, but the idea sparked inside of his head and he refused to let it go to waste.

Standing up, Peter walked over to the table. The adults were gathered there. Some of them he knew. Some of them he didn't. Most of the ones he didn't know were parents of the children. When he was approaching, they all broke out into laughter. Some type of joke Peter wished his ears didn't hear. He scratched the back of his neck, walking over to behind Tony.

Immediately noticing his presence, Tony turned around. "Hey kid, what's up?" Tony had a huge smile on his face, clearly happy. This was probably one of the most normal experiences he has ever had in his life. It was nice for him.

Peter had to bite back his evil grin. "Morgan said that there are balloons in the garage. Can I go out and get them and blow them up," he asked, allowing a small smile to form on his face. Not one that would give him away.

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