baby steps of trust

966 25 18

Third Person POV:
Trigger Warning: Blood/Description of death/Mentions of alcoholism
Word Count: 2,553

It's two in the morning. Typically, Tony would still be in the lab at this time, wide awake and working on some old car or a new suit design, but this night he was asleep. Well, he was asleep until his phone ringing through the room woke him up. At first, he thought it was just part of his dream, the ringing incorporating it's way into his dream. But then-

"Tony." Pepper's voice actually woke him up. "Tony, your phone is ringing." She sounded just as tired as he felt.

Tony just hummed, pulling Pepper closer to him and resting his head in between her neck and shoulders. "Whoever it is, it isn't important," he said sluggishly as he felt himself already starting to drift off.

The phone stopped ringing for a few brief moments before it started ringing again. Third time in a row. Tony groaned as he sat up, reaching for his phone off of the nightstand. He was about to press the power button to silence it, but the caller I.D. stopped him.

'Aunt Hottie' is calling...

Sighing, answered the phone and brought it up to his ear. "May, if you're calling for our usual arguing session, I'm afraid we're gonna have to reschedule for-" Tony didn't get to finish before May was talking over him in a frantic voice.

"I know it's so early in the morning and I am so sorry to wake you, but Peter just came home covered in blood. He's not talking and he's so calm but he won't tell me what happened and I don't know what to do. He just keeps muttering 'it's okay' over and over, like it's supposed to mean something. I know it's probably shock but he looks terrible and I don't-" May's voice cut off.

Definitely awake now, Tony swung his legs over the bed. "What? May, hold on." He got out of bed, pulling the phone away from his face for a brief moment. "It's the kid. I'll be back," he whispered to a very confused and now more awake Pepper. She nodded, lying back down on the bed as he walked out of the room. "Start from the beginning. What's going on?"

May takes a deep breath in. "I was waiting for Peter to come home from patrol. He already let me know that he was going to be patrolling later because it's a weekend. I fell asleep on the couch sometime around eleven and Peter came home right before two. He came out of his room covered in blood and he's insisting that he's fine and he isn't hurt but there is just so much blood. He isn't saying anything other than 'It's okay' and obviously it isn't okay. He's in the shower now but there is obviously something very wrong and I don't know what to do."

From what Tony could tell, May had been crying. She was obviously worried about Peter and hated being clueless, but what May didn't know was that he was about as clueless as she was here. Still, May called him. Not anyone else. If anyone could get through to the kid, it was Tony.

"I'm on my way over now. Give me ten minutes." Tony hung up the phone and stuffed it into the pocket of his flannel sleep pants. "F.R.I.D.A.Y., prep my suit."

Ten minutes later, a very emotional May was letting a very concerned Tony into her apartment. "I'm so sorry for calling you this ear-"

Tony didn't even give her the chance to finish. "Don't mention it. You did the right thing." Tony could still hear the shower running, signaling that Peter was in the shower. Tony sighed and shook his head, turning around to face May. She looked wrecked. Her hair had obviously been pulled at and run through many times in the past half an hour. Make-up was staining down her face and her eyes were red from crying. "Are you okay?"

A strained laugh came from May's mouth. "Our kid just came home covered in blood and in some state of shock, and you're asking if I'm okay," she asked him. When he nodded, she just shook her head and started making her way towards the kitchen. She opened the fridge and pulled out a beer. She held it out, offering it to Tony. He shook his head quickly and she nodded, closing the door of the fridge. "Honestly, not at all."

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