
932 28 105

Third Person POV:
Trigger Warning: Mentions of Anxiety (slight)
Word Count: 8,768
A/N: Okay, look, halfway through this I realized that the actual product was called Bagel Bites, but I was too fucking lazy to go back and re-write it all like that, so deal with the fact that I call them pizza bagels throughout the whole fic. Thanks buds <3

Tony and Peter were working in the lab together. It was almost three in the morning. Tony had tried to get Peter to go to bed hours ago, but Peter wasn't very tired at all. Peter insisted that it was because of the nap he took earlier, but F.R.I.D.A.Y. ratted him out, saying that it wasn't a nap, but rather that there was 456 milligrams of caffeine coursing through his system. As if that didn't rattle Tony enough, Peter proceeded to tell him how Ned dared him to chug four of the watermelon flavored Red Bulls. Peter wasn't one to turn down a dare.

So, after a long lecture of why drinking that much caffeine was not ever a good idea, Tony decided to let the kid stay up in the lab with him. Granit, Tony was ready for bed when he told Peter to go to bed, but he wasn't about to let Peter stay up alone. Not that he didn't trust Peter, but every time he thought about leaving the kid alone in the lab, he couldn't help but picture slipping and getting impaled by a screwdriver or Dum-E knocking a cup of water and Peter getting shocked from it. Hundreds of morbid ideas filled his head in the two seconds he thought about it.

They weren't really working with each other. Tony was working on some blueprints for a new suit. He looked at the blue holograms while he sipped on some coffee. He was designing a new War Machine suit. Sure, Rhodey was pretty sentimental about the suit, but most of the technology in that thing was outdated. Besides, it had been consistently beat up battle after battle. He wasn't about to let his best friend get hurt when he could have prevented it. Not again. Peter was working on his web shooters. When he first started working on them, he was trying to get them unclogged. One of the webs had gotten blocked up there. It was very rare that it happened, but when it did, it was an absolute pain in the ass. Once he fixed it, he was working on ways to prevent it. That, and he was just trying to make them a little more practical.

As the two of them worked, the clock kept moving forward. It was almost four thirty when Peter's stomach growled. It wasn't a quiet growl either. It was one of those loud, obnoxious growls that you heard in a quiet testing room. It made Tony look up and raise his eyebrow at Peter, who had looked down at his stomach with a betrayed look on his face. Only Peter Parker could get annoyed at his stomach for growling. "Are you hungry," he asked Peter.
Peter flushed and shook his head. "No, no I'm not. I'm fine," he said, already starting to work on his web shooters again. Truth was, he was starving. But it wasn't a normal type of starving. It was the type of starving you get for a craving. He was currently craving one of the most delicious frozen foods there were. Pizza bagels. Man, Peter really wanted pizza bagels.

Tony shook his head, knowing Peter was lying. But, Peter was stubborn, so he took a different route. "Hey, F.R.I.D.A.Y. When was the last time our Spider-Baby ate?" The glare Peter shot at Tony could kill. "What? You don't like it," he asked, referring to the nickname.

Peter shook his head. "That's the worst nickname ever. That's worse than Tony Stank."
It was Tony's turn to glare. "Who told you about that?"
"As if I'd tell you," he said, looking back down at his web shooters.

Tony stood up. "Did F.R.I.D.A.Y. rat me out? Or was it Rhodey? Because if it was Rhodey I will not hesitate to-"

F.R.I.D.A.Y. interrupted Tony. "It appears Peter hasn't eaten since you gave him an apple when he first arrived ten hours ago."

Tony shook his head. He grabbed his jacket off of the chair he was sitting in, put it over his shoulder, and started walking towards the doors. "Up, come on," he said. Peter continued working, ignoring Tony. "Let's go, Spider-Baby."

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