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Third Person POV: 
Trigger Warning: Violence/Dark Peter/Major swearing
Song: DAYWALKER! by Machine Gun Kelly and Corpse Husband
Word Count: 1,813
(A/n: Bro I don't know where this is from. It's literally 2:30 a.m. It might not be any good but I was in a mood to write something dark, so like, here we are. This just kind of popped into my head. But, seriously, Dark Peter has been lingering in my mind for a while so I'm just gonna roll with it. This might not be very in character for Peter, but that is kind of the point. The lyrics are going to be italicized, the actual story will be regular text. I hope you guys enjoy this.)

Peter wasn't normally a violent person, but something inside him had snapped recently. He was done with it. The bullying. The arrogance. The constant harassment. All of it. Who cares about the stupid reputation he had to keep? He was tired of letting himself get walked over. He had the power to stop it, and he finally decided that he wasn't going to hold it back. Why should he? He didn't ask for these powers. They were just given to him by some spider. So, instead of keeping them hidden from people and allowing people to get away from tormenting him, why didn't he use them? For good. He was about to show at least part of the world that he wasn't just the smart, scrawny kid that the school knew him to be. He was going to show them that he wasn't someone to be messed with.

He wasn't entirely sure how he was going to do it. He couldn't do it unprovoked. Though he was tired of getting walked all over, he wasn't about to stoop down that far to their level. He was going to do it right. However that was. But, the world solved his problem for him. Flash just started walking down the hall. "AY-O PENIS PARKER," he yelled, approaching Peter. A smirk started to form on Peter's face. Perfect. Flash got closer to Peter, smacking his shoulder into Peter as if he accidentally ran into him. He wore a face full of fake sympathy. "Oh, I'm sorry Parker. I didn't see you there. Eh, who cares," he says with a shrug. "Not like anyone can see you. Even if they did, they'd just turn away," he says. He begins to walk away from Peter, laughing. He really thought what he said was clever and funny.

Peter's smirk only grew. "Hey, Thompson," he said, getting Flash's attention. Flash stopped, turning around. By now, the other students' attention had been grabbed. Peter knew better than to beat up the kid in front of others. "Meet me after decathlon. I have to give you that homework assignment," he lied, smiling a little. Flash just let out a small chuckle and nodded before walking away. Peter's "Parker Luck" must have been working with him today, rather than against him. He closed his locker, walking to class with a dark smirk on his face.

[This timeskip was brought to you by the following: Peter's homemade suit™️]

Peter was leaning against the brick wall as Flash came around the corner. "Seriously, Parker. It looks like we are doing a drug deal back here," Flash jokes as he starts walking back to Peter. Decathlon ran long tonight, so it was now dark. And they were behind the school. No cameras. No witnesses. Nothing. Just as Peter needed it to be. "You better have the project done, Penis, or else I'll-" Flash starts, but stops short when Peter leans off the wall, walking towards Flash. Flash saw something on Peter's face that he had never seen before. Usually, he picked on Peter because he was such an easy target. He never gave him trouble. He never tried to defend himself. He really didn't have anything against Peter. Peter was just a weak kid that Flash thought would never fight back. But, as he walked Peter started to walk towards him, he started to realize that he could have been wrong about him. Because all he saw on Peter's face was rage. Pure, built up rage. And it was directed towards him.

"Or you'll what, Flash? Insult me? Tell me that my parents are dead? Throw a couple of punches at me," he says. A dark, cold laugh escaped Peter as a smile crossed his face. "I'd like to see you try after I'm done," he said, the threat a clear warning of what was about to come.

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