Late Night Stitches

360 16 2

Third Person POV:
Word Count: 1,625
Spooktober Day Five: Sewn-Up

It was almost midnight when Happy's phone started ringing. It woke the man from a sound sleep, forcing him to take the sleep apnea mask off his face. He blinked a few times before grabbing his phone, blindly accepting the call without looking at the Caller I.D. "Happy Hogan," he said, trying to sound as awake as he could.

"Oh my god, did I wake you up? I'm so sorry." Happy immediately recognized the voice as none other than Peter Parker. "I didn't even realize how late it was. I'm sorry. I'll-"

Happy sat up, rubbing his eyes as he blinked the blurriness out of his eyes. "It's fine, Peter. What's up," he asked. Ever since the whole plane incident, Happy was practically Peter's new best friend. Well, sort of. He still occasionally ignored the kid's phone calls, if only to hear the odd voicemails the kid left. But, normally, Happy easily answered the phone when the kid called now.

Peter was uneasily silent. "Do you know how to do stitches," Peter asked in a small voice.

Immediately, Happy's heart rate spiked. That was not what Happy was expecting. But, Happy had dealt with Tony Stark for the past almost twenty years. If he was shocked by something, he rarely let it show. "Of course I know how to do stitches, kid. But, am I really the most qualified for this? Would someone at MedBay be better equipped for this," he asked as he stood up from his bed, stretching.

"Well," Peter started. The kid's sigh was heard through the phone. "Tony's out of town and I don't want to go to MedBay because they'd call him and he'd-" he stopped.

Happy nodded. He knew that Tony was out of town. He was supposed to go with the man, but Tony asked him to stick behind. Now that he thinks about it, it probably had something to do with this. "I get it, kid. No worries. You know the address, right?"

Twenty minutes later, Happy and Peter were sitting at Happy's kitchen table as Happy slowly stitched up Peter's side. It'd been a while since he'd done stitches, but they were still almost flawless. He couldn't remember how many times he'd have to give Tony stitches after he'd done something stupid, like drop a car motor on his hand or tripped into the corner of his desk. Much like the kid, Tony avoided hospitals at all costs. It made Happy laugh to himself.

"What's so funny," Peter asked Happy, wincing as the needle threaded through him again. Happy made sure to use as much numbing cream and other medication he could use, but it wasn't going to be perfect since Peter had a high metabolism. Happy warned him about this, but Peter was insistent he didn't want to go to MedBay.

Happy just shook his head. "Just thinking about how similar you and Tony are," he said. "You know, you could practically be his son at this point and no one would think twice." The second the phrase left Happy's lips, he pursued them.

If Peter was bothered by the statement, he didn't show it. "You know, Rhodey said something similar to me a few weeks ago," was all he said. He was slightly breathless.

"Oh yeah?" Happy was trying to distract the kid, knowing that this was most definitely not the most pleasant thing the kid had experienced.

There was a breathless laugh that came from Peter. "Yeah. I think he was joking, but he looked at me and said that I was practically Tony's kid and that whenever I was ready, I could start calling him Uncle Rhodey. It was hard to tell whether he was joking or not."

Finishing another stitch, Happy nodded. "Yeah, Rhodey is like that sometimes. But, from knowing the man, I can almost guarantee that he wasn't kidding. Rhodey is a very serious man." A silence falls over them for a few seconds before Happy starts another stitch. "So, you want to tell me how this happened," he asks gently, making sure that Peter doesn't have to share if he doesn't want to.

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