the mission (where absolutely nothing bad happens)

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Third Person POV:
Word Count: 1,319
Spooktober Day Four: Sweat

"How many of these fuckers are there," Peter said breathlessly as he threw another punch at a man.

The comms were quiet for a second. "Language," came a few seconds later. It wasn't by just one person, though. It was by Natasha, Tony, and Clint.

"What," Peter asked in confusion, dodging another swing from the man he had been fighting for the past thirty seconds now.

"Just ignore them, Peter. We're almost done," Steve's voice came over the comms.

Peter, finally getting a good shot, punched the man back into the wall and webbed him there, ignoring the groan that fell from the criminal's lips. "Good, because I'm working up a sweat."

This had definitely been one of the weirdest days for Peter. It started last night, really, when Tony asked him if he wanted to miss school the next day and go on a mission with some of the other members of the Avengers. Peter, who was surprised by this, immediately said yes.

("Wait, actually," Peter asked, surprised.

Tony huffed out a short laugh. "What, you think I'd ask for kicks?"

"Well," Peter started.

Tony spun around away from his desk, facing Peter with a raised eyebrow. "Well what?"

Peter shrugged. "I wasn't sure if this was some sort of test, y'know? Like, when you asked me to be a part of the Avengers the first time?"

A guilty look crossed Tony's face. "Well," he said this time.

A wide eyed look came from Peter's face. "Wait. Wait! Are you saying that wasn't a test? That you were actually asking me, Spider-Man, to be a part of the Avengers?!" Peter's voice cracked a few times from the shock.

"It was your words, not mine. And, you actually made a really good decision. You surprised-"

"You mean to tell me that, if I wanted to, I could have been an Avenger," Peter asked again.

Tony shrugged. "You technically could still be, if you'd like. Just, maybe in a different way. You wouldn't have to stay here. You could still live with your Aunt and do your patrols, but you'd still go on missions when we'd need you to."

Peter's mouth fell open. He didn't know what to say. Well, he did know what he wanted to say, but he was still in shock that he could have been an Avenger three months ago and he just thought he was being tested. How stupid-

"So, what do you say kid? Want to be an Avenger?")

A few hours later, Peter called Ned to inform him of this news, and let's just say both teenagers lost their minds. Before he called Ned, though, he had to get approval from May for sleeping over and for missing school tomorrow. She said she was fine with it, as long as he was extremely careful. He also overheard a heated conversation—more like May screaming at Tony and him just taking it—shortly after, but he was given the green flag.

After short introductions and some shock ("A kid?! That Spider-Boy was a kid?!" "Hah! You got floored by a kid!"), he was ready for the mission. It was, from what everyone implied, a simple mission. Go in, get the stolen files back, and get out.

But, as always, things hadn't gone according to plan.

They were able to get the stolen files, but they were immediately attacked by the gang that stole them afterwards. Everyone had been fighting for the past thirty minutes and it seemed as if there was finally an end in sight.

"Pete, Karen said you're almost thirteen blocks from the closest teammate. Turn around and start making your way back to us so we don't have to make multiple quinjet stops," Tony said, breaking the silence that had fallen over them.

Peter turned around and webbed a building, pulling himself forward. "You got it," he said. It only took him a few seconds to catch up to the fight, but when he did, he saw that things had truly died down. A lot more men were down than were up. The ones that weren't quite unconscious, he webbed down so they couldn't rejoin the fight. Once he was finished, he himself rejoined the fight.

Sam and Tony seemed to be doing fine in the sky. Steve and Natasha were doing their own fight by themselves. He noticed that Clint, who had been perched on the side of a building close by, was running out of arrows. So, he went to collect him some more.

"Here ya go, Mr. Hawkeye," Peter said, throwing the arrows that he had collected to him. Clint caught it and gave Peter a nod of thanks before cutting the webbing they were wrapped in so he could use the.

The rest of the fight went smoothly. Peter helped out Natasha and Steve mostly, occasionally shooting a web grenade at a few of the farther targets. But, after about ten more minutes, they were finally wrapped up and done fighting. They all had worked up a sweat, most of them huffing and puffing as he tried to catch their breath from all the fighting.

"I'll go get the quinjet," Clint offered.

"It's alright on the way, bird-brain," Tony said, letting his mask up so everyone could see his face. Even he had worked up a sweat. "Modern technology, remember? I'd cut some slack if it were Cap offering, but you? I thought you were smarter than that," Tony picked.

The group laughed, and Peter smiled. He was really worried last night about fighting with some of the other Avengers. Obviously, there were still tensions from whatever happened back in Germany, but all Peter knew is that Tony had cleared things up and everything was "better." Well, not entirely better.

The tension could be sensed a mile away, but no one seemed to be bringing it up. Everyone had been avoiding it, and Peter was doing the same. He only knew the few things he had overheard from Tony and Happy talking on the phone, but otherwise all he knew was that they fought and now it was half-resolved.

When the quinjet arrived, they all climbed on and sat down. "So, who's hungry," Peter asked. "I could really kill for some pizza."

"Only if Tony's paying," Sam chirped in, sitting down in a seat with a huff. He leaned back. "And as long as no heathen on this jet orders their pizza with pineapple on it," he adds on as he closes his eyes.

Steve let out a small chuckle at that. "I could use some pizza. I think we all could," he said in his stern, captain voice. He looked at Tony. "What do you think, Tony?"

Tony let out a sigh, as if he didn't already have pizza on the way to the compound. "I guess that we can have some," he said. He sat down on a chair next to Peter, who had sat himself down on the floor. "But only because Peter asked. If any of you others would have asked, I would have instantly said no and sent you all home starving. But, the kid has an aunt and she'd kill me for doing that," he explained as he leaned back.

They all talked about what flavors to get—not knowing Tony had their favorites all on the way—before Natasha interrupted them all. "Hey, little spider," she said, looking directly at Peter. He felt a cold chill run down his spine, afraid at first, but when she smiled it went away quickly. "You did good today," she complimented.

Within seconds, the rest of the team was complimenting him and telling him how good of a job he did. Peter felt both embarrassed and grateful at the same time. "Thanks guys," he said with a smile.

"It's good to have you on the team, Kid," Tony said. And that, to Peter, was everything he'd ever need.

a/n: did the title trick you? i hope so : ) AnYwAy
That's it for this chapter! Remember to drink some water, eat something, take medicine (if you have to), and rest today. You did a good job and I am proud of you :)

Till next time
- Storm

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