A conversation with Storm

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Third Person POV:
Word Count: 3,301
Spooktober Day Eleven: Storm
A/n: two things. one, this is not a normal fic, but it's all I could think of for today, so i hope you enjoy it! two: someone please teach me how to better title my one-shots because these get worse and worse every day

It was a normal day for Peter. He'd woken up on time and had gotten a good seven hours of sleep the night before, which was golden for him. He had time to have a bowl of cereal for breakfast. He made it to the bus on time. When he got to class, he turned in the right homework assignments and he had relatively easy classes during the day. During lunch, they were having tacos, which actually tasted good. The rest of his classes went smoothly. He even got out of decathlon early due to the team doing so well.

So, when Peter went on patrol, he was ready for it to be hell. That's how it'd been lately. If school was peaceful, he'd have a crazy story about patrol the next day. If he had a mellow night of patrol, he fully expected school to be crazy.

But, for the three hours he'd been out on patrol, it had actually been fine. He helped an old lady with her groceries, played tag with some kids after they got off the bus, and he stopped by Delmars to get a sandwich, which was the highlight of Mr. Delmar's night. Mr. Delmar never let him pay since he saved his life. So, to compensate, he'd always leave a good tip in the jar before he left. It wasn't always much, but it was what he could do to show his appreciation.

Peter stopped to eat his sandwich, watching the city below. It was a... slow day. That wasn't something Peter had been getting a lot of lately. It felt like his life had been constant chaos. Between school and patrol, he'd barely caught a break. For both of them to go slow, that was just... Peter didn't know what to do. He wasn't sure whether he should go home or if he should keep patrolling in case something happened.

By the time Peter finished his sandwich, he had decided that he was going to just keep patrolling. If he patrolled for another hour and nothing happened, he'd go ahead and head home. He didn't mind either way. The peaceful day he'd had so far was pretty good and he was thankful for that.

There was nothing after about thirty minutes. He had been building hopping and swinging around the city so far, so now it was time to take it to the ground. Part of him wanted the change of pace. Another part of him was scared that he was missing some stuff going on when he was swinging.

Peter wandered around the city slowly, keeping an ear and eye out. Most people simply ignored him. The few that didn't either asked him for a picture or asked him to do a flip, which he normally always did. It was weird. He forgot a lot that people idolized him. It was strange to be famous without anyone knowing who you really were.

Nothing had happened and it had been an hour. So, Peter decided it was time to be done. He swung back home to his apartment, calling out to May that he was home. When he didn't get a response, he wandered into the kitchen to see a note sitting on the counter.

Got called into work. Won't be back until midnight. Get yourself some dinner. Larb you <3

- May

There was a folded up twenty with the note. Peter grabbed it and smiled. Perfect. He was in a hot chocolate mood. It was the perfect day for it, too, the cool chill that had finally begun spreading through the air, making the air finally feel similar to fall.

He went back to his room, changing out of his suit and back into the clothes he was wearing today. He grabbed a light jacket out of his dresser, hearing Tony's voice in his head reminding him about his thermoregulation problem. It wasn't that cold yet, but cold enough that it was better to be safe than sorry.

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