The Importance of Sleep

439 22 10

Third Person POV:
Word Count: 1,362
A/n: You know what time it is. It's Spooktober 2023 time babyyyyy
Thank you to the lovely Eccentric_Grace for this list and for the amazing inspiration!
Let's get this bread. 
Spooktober Day One: Stagger

Peter sits at his lab station, using his hand to stifle a yawn. He glances up at Tony, who's wide awake and going through blueprints across the lab. Peter glances back down at his homework and stares at the first question again.

Question one: How did the Civil War affect the American Identity?

The question made Peter's head spin. He didn't know. He tried to think back to class and remember if they talked about this, but all he remembers is his teacher pacing back and forth at the front of the classroom. He could see her mouth moving, but none of the words were being processed. He thought back to the readings, but all he remembered was a garbled up mess of words.

With a sigh, Peter looked down at the next question.

Question two: What do people say the Civil War was about? What was it really about?

Another sigh falls from Peter's mouth as he pushes his paper away from him. He put his head down on the table and closed his eyes. "Why doesn't anything make sense," he muttered into the desk.

"What's not making sense?" Peter lifted his head from the table to see Tony looking at him with a raised eyebrow. "I thought you were, like, the classic smart kid," Tony said with a joking smile.

Peter rolled his eyes but sat up again, pulling the paper back toward himself. "Not when it comes to History. I suck at History," Peter explains. He glances at a few more of the questions to try and make sense of them.

Question three: Why was the Civil War important for the growth of America?

Question four: Was the Civil War preventable? Why or why not? Use examples from your textbook to support your answer.

Question five: Did Abraham Lincoln try to prevent the war? How or how not? Use examples from your textbook to support your answer.

Peter shook his head. "It just isn't making sense," he said with a frustrated sigh. He, again, pushed the paper away and stood up.

Tony gave a shrug. "Bring it over here. Maybe I can help you with-" Tony started, but then he paused. He gave Peter a once over before his eyebrows furrowed. "Are you alright?"

The furrow eyebrows came from Peter this time. "What," he asked. Then, he immediately answered, "Yeah, I'm fine." Peter looked down and saw he was gripping onto the back of the chair so hard his knuckles were white. He eased up, trying to look relaxed and not tense.

"Wow, Parker. I'm so convinced," Tony said sarcastically as he swiped away the blueprints he had been going over. "What's up? Did you get injured on patrol and not tell me again," Tony asked, trying to solve the problem of Peter's slightly irritated and unlike behavior.

Peter shook his head. "I promise I didn't. You can even check Karen. She's been ratting me out lately," he said with a slight raised eyebrow, silently asking Tony what that was about.

A small chuckle left Tony's mouth. "Yeah, you like that? It's called the 'Peter can't communicate properly' protocol. Oh, and don't you and your nerdy lego friend get any ideas. If this protocol gets turned off, Karen shuts down immediately." Tony crossed his arms and raised his eyebrow at Peter now.

"It was one time, Mr. Stark. And-" Peter started, but Tony interrupted.

"Why do you still call me that? I'm not an old man," Tony asked accusingly.

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