mutant kid

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Tony's phone POV
Word Count: 819
Spooktober Day Twelve: Mutation
a/n: this is so boring and short but oh well deal with it thank you mwah

*Three missed messages from Mutant Kid @ 2:22 a.m.*
*Tony opens phone @ 2:22 a.m.*

Mutant kid: You'll never guess what.
Mutant kid: I lied. You probably will.
Mutant kid: Just pretend you can't.

Tony: kid its 2 in the morning
Tony: what am i guessing

Mutant kid: What I would give for you to use proper grammar.
Mutant kid: You're supposed to guess. Duh.

Tony: what i would give for you to go to bed at a normal time
Tony: did you get stabbed again

Mutant kid: I *didn't* get stabbed, this time, actually.
Mutant kid: Guess again.

Tony: whats with the asterisks

Mutant kid: What's with the attitude?

Tony: good night peter

Mutant kid: No! Wait!
Mutant kid: Okay, okay! I'll tell you!
Mutant kid: You really suck at the guessing game, anyway.

Tony: i didnt realize i had to be any good at it
Tony: lets try this again
Tony: kid its 2 in the morning
Tony: what am i guessing

Mutant kid: I just figured out that I can do something new.
Mutant kid: A new power, you might say.

Tony: a new power
Tony: and what would that be

Mutant kid: Drumroll please

Mutant kid: I can sit and do nothing for absolutely twenty four hours and be absolutely fine

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Mutant kid: I can sit and do nothing for absolutely twenty four hours and be absolutely fine.

Tony: what

Mutant kid: Well, you know how sometimes you'll go to bed and a spider will be in the corner of your room and when you wake up, it's still there?
Mutant kid: I can do what that spider can do.

Tony: you are making absolutely no sense
Tony: are you high

Mutant kid: Tony, I'm terrified of drugs.
Mutant kid: I am not high.
Mutant kid: Ugh, how is this not making sense?
Mutant kid: I sat down in the corner of my room and didn't move for twenty four hours.
Mutant kid: And nothing happened.

*Tony calls Mutant kid*

"Why do you always call me when I text you? You know I have anxiety-"

"I'm not kidding, Peter. Be honest. Are you high?"

"No! I am not high! Why are you asking me that?"

"Okay. Okay. Fine. Start from the beginning. What the hell are you talking about?"

"Okay. So. Like, you know how spiders will be in the corner of your room, right? When you go to sleep?"

"Yeah, I got that."

"And it'll still be there when you wake up?"

"No, it normally isn't."

"What?! Really?"


"Well, is it normally close to where it was?"

"No. It's normally in the trash."

"The trash? Why the trash? I thought that was more of a rat thing."

"Because if there's a spider in the corner of my room before I go to sleep, I'm killing it and throwing it away."


"Your brother? Peter, you're not actually a spider. You're a mutation of a Spider. You're still human. You understand this, right?"

"Yes! I do! But, how could you- I just don't- you just kill them?!"

"Yes, I do."

"You're a monster."

"You're not the first to call me one, kid. Now, continue on with your story."

"I don't think I want to now."

"Nope. Not happening, kid. You text me at two-thirty in the morning, you're going to explain why."

"It was actually two-twenty-two this morning, thank you."

"And now it's two-thirty. So spill before I have to fly my ass halfway across the country."

"Fine. So, I didn't have anything to do today, right?"

"Right. You were telling me yesterday that you were going to sit around and do nothing."

"Yeah. And that's exactly what I did. I climbed into the corner of my room, sat down, and did absolutely nothing until I messaged you."

"... what?"

"How are you not understanding? I sat-"

"No, no. I understand now. I just... I'm so confused."

"What is confusing about this?"

"Why? Why did you do this? What was the reason?"

"... for science."

"We both know how you and science don't mix well, kid. Remember the bleach incident?"

"That was also-"

"Nope. We are not having this conversation right now. I'm assuming you're still in your little corner of the room?"


"Great. I'm gonna get off the phone, text Happy to make you a giant sandwich. You're going to eat it and then you're going to go to bed."

"Oh, come on. Really-"

"Goodnight, Peter. I'll be home tomorrow."

*Tony ends call with Peter and opens messages with Happy Camper*

Tony: make the kid a sandwich and make sure he goes to bed

Happy Camper: Do I even want to know?

Tony: No

Happy Camper: Okay. On it.

*Tony closes messages with Happy Camper and Opens messages with Mutant Kid*

Tony: happys making you a sandwich then you are going to bed

Tony: well talk tomorrow
Tony: goodnight kid

Mutant Kid: Goodnight, Tony.
Mutant Kid: Love you <3<3

Tony: love you too

That's it for this chapter! Remember to drink some water, eat something, take medicine (if you have to), and rest today. You did a good job and I am proud of you :)Till next time
- Storm

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