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Angela's POV

"I am almost done. I will out in ten." Putting my cell phone in my pocket, I turn to my head chef, Mr. Lanson. He is a kind person. He has been so patient with me and explained me everything this whole week on how things work around here. I am his assistant chef. So he is liked my work. "I have put the remaining food in the freezer."

"Great. See you tomorrow." He gives me his charming smile.

"See you tomorrow. Bye!" I give him a smile back and walk out of the kitchen. There are still some customers, but I asked Mr. Lanson to let me go an hour early. We are still setting up our new place. It's been a short week. It went by so quickly. Clara has been busy with the classes at school. She is teaching eight graders. Today is Friday and we finally got to spend some time.

Just as I am about to leave, the restaurant door opens and four men in their late twenties come in. They all look tall and well built. I feel this... this energy... as I walk past them. The walk in like they are superiors, like they own the place. As I near the door, I turn around and look at them. Mr. Lanson comes outside the kitchen to talk to them.

"Hey Mr. Lanson!" One of them greets him and he talks to them.

Just as I am about to turn around, I bump into someone.

"Sorry." I apologize before looking up, but once I do... My heart stops beating for a moment.

Our eyes meet and suddenly, I feel like I am pulled into a trance. He has dark green eyes. His hair is thick and he looks so... so beautiful. The most amazing thing is he is looking at me the same way. We just stare at each other. His eyes feel like they are looking through my soul.

Who is this man?

"Angie!" Clara's voice brings me back to reality. It's like someone rang a bell and I am brought back. I don't even move my eyes for a split second though. He does the same.

What is this feeling?

"Angie! We have to go!" I feel my sister tug at my arm. I look at her and she is looking at me in panic. That makes me frown.

"Alp-Hunter!" One of the guys talking to Mr. Lanson shouts and I turn to see that they are calling the man standing in front of me. He comes near us.

"Let's go." Clara pulls me with her. We hear a growl erupt and it's coming from Hunter. He is looking at the hand Clara is holding. She stops and turns to me. "Where is your scarf?" Mom's scarf.

"Oh, I forgot it in the kitchen. I will be back in a minute." I quickly rush out of there. I feel my cheeks getting hot and feel embarrassed. What was I doing? What was I thinking? I can't believe I stared at a stranger like a creep! Taking my scarf that on the shelf, I wear it. Although, did he really growl? What was that? Why is Clara looking all panic and scared?

Walking up to the door, I see her talking to the... the man... Hunter. It suits him. The man beside him is saying something to her. She nods her head.

Does she know them? Why is she speaking to them?

Clara is normally very stubborn. It's new to see her like this. Pushing open the door, I go out and suddenly, all of their eyes are on me. There are like two other customers who are in their own world. Mr. Lanson, the men that came with Hunter, my sister and most importantly, Hunter... All of them are looking at me. They all stopped talking once I came out and now it's so silent.

It's feel so awkward.

"Bye, Mr. Lanson." I smile.

"Bye." He doesn't smile back. He wasn't saying it in a rude way though. I frown and walk past the men. They realize they are staring and they look away. Hunter though... His eyes are on me. He is staring at me.

"Let's go!" Clara holds my hand and pulls me out of the restaurant. I open the door to get in the car, when suddenly I feel someone holding my hand.

A rush of electricity passes through me and I gasp. It's not hurting, but the tingles knock me off my senses. Turning around to see it was, I find Hunter. His eyes start turning dark. I frown. He suddenly let's go of my hand and the tingles are gone just like that. I bite my lip. He goes to a car parked in front of the restaurant. I guess it's his car.

I feel this urge to run to him. What is this? Why did he hold my hand? Why did I feel that way when he did? Why did he suddenly let go?

"Angie! Come!" Clara pushes me inside the car. We get in the car and I let out a breath, I didn't know that I was holding. That was intense.

"What was that about?" I have to ask.


"I saw you speaking to them. Do you know them?"

"No!" She is clearly lying.

"I am not born yesterday, Clay." I need to know. It was all so serious. Is she in some kind of danger? She sighs as we drive home.

"No." She searches for words. "I just... They are local... They run this town you can say. We are new and they just want to know who we are."

"Clay, that didn't look like that. What are you hiding?"

"They are just local gangsters. That's it."

"Gangsters? Stop it. What is happening? Tell me!" I urge her. She is my little sister and I am not going to let an issue go if she is in danger in any way. We have been protecting each other since these past twenty years.

"Really! Do you trust me?" She asks and I sigh.

"Don't pull that with me."

"Tell me. Do you trust me?"

"I do." She can be so frustrating sometimes.

"Then trust me with this too. It's nothing. Their nephew is in my class and they are just talking to me about that."


"They really are gangsters through. Stay away from them." She warns. "Why were you staring at him?" She asks. She looks at me as she does.

"I don't know. It just... It's so weird... It's like..." I sigh. "How do I say it? It's like... Something snapped in me. Something just... I was not able to look away. It's like he is looking into my soul."

She doesn't speak, but keeps driving. She has this look like she is thinking. She would usually tease me if I ever have crush and now she is just silent.

"Are you okay?"

"Looking into your soul, huh?" She asks like she wants to make sure.

"I still can't stop thinking about the way it felt."

I look away and just think of his eyes, his face and the way it felt when he held my hand.

Hunter,who are you?


Hey my cute dumplings!

Love really wakes up our senses, don't it? Tell me what you think.

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