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Hunter's POV

Three Weeks Later

"Did you track where they came from?" Mark and Clay are sitting in front of me. Derek and Kyle are standing behind them.

"No, Alpha. The trail ended near a lake a few miles from here." Mark responds.

Clever. Water washes away your scent.

We have been trying to track down the rogues that have attacked us three weeks back. One of them jumped at my mate and that's not going to be taken as an accident or ignored. There is definitely something. It about her safety and I am taking no chances in that area.

"We tried following the scent though. Searches around the pond for the similar scent, but nothing. They are good in hiding their tracks." Clara speaks.

"This is not just some rogue attack." It's clear. The safety of pack members irks my mind.

"We have increased security since three weeks. But from now, I don't want any blind spots. Put more members into patrol working and covers every corner."

"I am on it, Alpha." Kyle takes up the duty.

"It maybe Lupus." Clay looks down as she says that. She is shivering and Mark holds her. Whatever happened that night, surely has an impact on her. She was still a child and watching her mother die would definitely put anyone is that trauma. "He is back." She whispers to herself.

"It's okay, mate. You are with us now. You are with me. I wouldn't let anything happen to you." He holds her close. She holds onto him. I take a deep breath and my Angel occupies my thoughts for a brief moment. She is always in my thoughts. I just want to call her and have her near me.

She has been putting me at distance and I am trying to give her some space, but I can't seem to do that. How can I? I need to be near my mate! I go to the restaurant she is working every day. We would just look at each other. I know she wants to talk, but she has a lot to figure. I just want to pause all the issues for a second and hold her. My wolf is trying to break free at her sight.

That's the last thing, we have to do though. We already scared her enough.

The last three weeks have been shitty, except for one thing. Every time I go to the restaurant, even if I don't order, she would sent me some food that she cooked. I love it! I just love it! Not the food, but the gesture! Even if she doesn't speak, the gesture itself shows much more than words can! It gives me hope and I know that she is working on it... on us. That settles my heart.

I have been sneaking into her bedroom every night. I just need to be in her presence. My wolf would lose control. Only a werewolf can understand it. I breath in her scent, take in her presence and feel her energy around me. That's enough for me.

She is being heavily guarded for the past three weeks and she has no idea. I have been changing men and their time of shifts around her so that she wouldn't find out. Clara is being protected too. Mark wouldn't let her leave to teach in school without him tagging along or someone from the pack.

I just don't know who this Lupus is. If I knew him, I could analyse what we are fighting against. But now... We are just guarding ourselves, trying to protect my pack and my mate.

"There have been no other rogue attacks, it might be the case that it wasn't him." Derek speaks and we all look at him.

"It can be. But we can't eliminate the possibility that he knows they are here."

Whatever happens, I am not going to let anything harm my mate or my pack.

Angela's POV

I toss and turn in my bed. Looking up at the ceiling, I get lost in my thoughts. It's been three weeks. Three weeks since I have got to know everything. Three weeks since I actually spoke to Hunter.

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