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Angela's POV

"I know. It happened so unexpectedly." Clay is laying on the bed and she is still in shock as I told her that I am a wolf now.

"I can't believe I missed it. I wanted to be there." She almost whines. Mark is on the other side of the bed that she is lying in and we all chuckle.

"You can be there for my second time." I try to ease her. "Hunter was there through the whole process." He is sitting beside me.

"How did it happen? You were not supposed to turn for another month at least." I shrug at her.

"I don't know. Maybe when I saw you getting hurt, my wolf just could not take it anymore." I hold her hand and she holds mine back with a smile. "I really thought something big has happened to you. It scared me." I remember how scared I was. The wolf that attacked her was about to attack me when Hunter saved me.

"That must have triggered your wolf. You being with Hunter the whole month must have surfaced her and when you saw me getting hurt, your wolf must have snapped."

"That must be it." I agree.

"So, when are you going to announce her as our Luna?" She asks Hunter and I look at him. He looks at me with a smile before answering her.

"I want her to be comfortable with shifting to her wolf and then, whenever she is ready and wants to be the Luna, she will be taken into the park with the rituals." He tells her. They told me how their pack has certain traditions and rituals for how things go around the pack. "It's all in her hands." I smile. That's what I like about him. He always gives me a choice.

"Wow! I can't believe how much self control you have." Clay looks at him with amazement.

"Okay. I have some pack work. Keep my mate company." He tells Clay before kissing my head and going out. Mark kisses Clay on her cheek before addressing me and walking out. Clay eagerly turns to me.

"Tell me everything now. Are you guys going mark each other soon?" She looks excited for the information and I chuckle.

"No. I want to. My wolf is like on so hype. She doesn't want to be away from him."

"Now you know how we feel." She sighs.

"I do. Hunter was sweet though. He was there the whole time. He held me as I turned." I remember how he sad everything will be okay over and over again. "Then we went for a run and I really felt hungry. We hunted a squirrel. I caught it." I say proudly. She grins at my excitement. "I mean my wolf caught it. Now that I think about it, it feels weird."

"It's okay, Angie! There is a lot for you to explore."

"I just want to grab Hunter and never let go." His dreamy green eyes come back to my mind.

"I felt that way too with Mark." She looks away as if she is remembering the moment with Mark. "You can't even think about how it feels once you mate." She tells me and I blush. I know what mating is. They have pretty much covered everything about werewolves.

"All I know is that I want to be with him right now, wherever he is."

"Okay. That hurt a little you know. Your little sister is in bed. Wounded." She gives me a fake pout and we both laugh.

I love my Little Clay. We have come a long way. I feel much stronger towards Hunter now. I know that I can trust him.

"Did you talk to him about..." She trails off. I know what she is asking about. Lupus. Hunter's Uncle. I pause before answering.

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