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Angela's POV

"Stop it!" I try to push Hunter's hands off me. He is kissing my neck from behind as I am in the kitchen. He is sucking on my neck, teasing me. He turns me around and kisses my lips.

It's been like this for the past two days. Hunter and I have only gone out for me to shift and train. He has Mark come over to talk about Lupus and the situations in the pack. The remaining time, we are all over each other.

I kiss him back. I can't stop him. I don't want to. I want him too.

"Oh my God! Stop already!" Clay's voice makes us pull apart. I blush and flip the pancake on the pan. Hunter doesn't take his hand off my waist. We have to have some kind of physical contact. She comes and sits at the table. Mark is following behind her. He smiles and greets us.

"Alpha. Luna." He sits down beside her and gives her a kiss. She smiles. I have never seen her like that before and that's beautiful.

"I can smell the sex all the way down here." She says and I look at her.

"Clay!" She shrugs. Hunter chuckles.

"Did you forget the week you both mated?" Hunter asks her as we sit down in front of them. He helps me set the pancakes down. Clay blushes and looks down.

"What happened?" I ask. I didn't know about werewolves then. Hunter gives her a look and clay plays with her food.

"Mark was there every night. You were sleeping upstairs." Hunter tells me and Mark smiles guiltily. I look at them in shock.

"How do you know he was there?" I ask him.

"Because he was there too." Clay says and looks at Hunter as if she got him. "He was up in your room, every day."

"What?" Hunter didn't tell me that. Hunter shrugs.

"I am not ashamed of wanting to be with my mate. Even if it's creepy and stalkerish." He says and leans down before placing a kiss on my cheek. I blush.

"Angie! I am coming with you to your training session." Clay says with a smile.

"Really?" I am excited.

"Yeah. I have waited long enough. I want to run with my sister." She grins and I grin too.

"Me too." I can't wait for it.

"We will be joining you then." Mark says and Hunter agrees.

"No! I just want to run with my sister." Clay says.

"That was not an option." Hunter speaks with finality in his voice. Clay rolls her eyes and I shrug.

"Did you find out anything about the location and what the rogue that we caught said was true?" Clay asks Mark. He pauses for a second and looks at Hunter. He gives him a nod. Hunter then looks at me and holds me closer before kissing the side of my head.

"We did." Mark looks a Clay. "He does have an army building up. He is brain washing them to find Luna, so that they can have pups who might be red wolves and that they can rule the world." That gives me chills. Hunter stays silent beside me. We all can feel anger rolling off him in waves. I rub my hand over his and he slowly calms down.

"That sick bastard!" Clay curses.

"Our pack members are training every day. They can't beat us." Mark says and I just stare down. I have seen them training. They are all so good to me. I don't want to see them hurt because of me. What kind of Luna would I be if I let that happen? Hunter looks at me. He can hear my thoughts since yesterday. We have marked each other and the benefit of mind linking between mates has turned on between us.

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