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Angela's POV

"What did you talk about?" I ask Clay as she comes from Hunter's office. Mark is still with him.

"Nothing. Just the progress of his nephew at school. That's it." She says and sits down near the dining table. Clara stares at me.

"What?" I ask Clara as she looks at me and smiles.

"Nothing." She looks away and eats her pancakes.

"No. Tell me." I ask again. "Why are you smiling?"

"Why are you smiling, like you did something?" She asks. I shake my head. We are both in Hunter's house. Mark is here and Clara came with him. Hunter and Mark are discussing something.

"I didn't" I chuckle. Clay looks at me and gives me I-know-something-happened look. "I really didn't."

"If you say so." She holds her hands up in surrender. "You smell a lot like him, so I know what you did." She says and I blush. Yesterday was amazing. I never felt so alive and lost at the same time.

"Clay!" I hit her lightly with the ladle I am holding. She laughs. "No. Nothing happened."

"It's okay, Angie! You are supposed to GET SOME ACTION." She yells the last words. I hit her again. Hunter might hear her. "You never get any."

"Stop it." I blush and go to flip the pancake. "We were just kissing." I say and turn around with the pancake in the plate to find Hunter and Mark. Mark goes and kisses Clay. They are all over each since last week. Hunter looks at me with a smirk.

"That's right. Just kissing." Hunter says and pulls out the chair for me. I sit and he sits beside me. He puts his hand around me and kisses my cheek. I blush red. He makes me blush so much. He holds me close. As he touches me, everything that happened last night comes back and I blush again. I turn to Clay and she is smirking as she eats her pancakes.

"Are you two dating?" Mark asks.

"It's clear as day. What do you think, Babe?" She says with food in her mouth and takes her glass to drink some water.

"We are." Hunter confirms. I turn to him and he gives me a peck on my lips.

"That's it. I have seen enough." Clay puts down the food she is about to eat.

"I have to go." Mark says.

"I will come with you." Clay gets up along with him. I scoff.

"That's it. You get a boyfriend and you leave your sister? You don't even have an hour to spend with me?" I ask feigning hurt. Clay looks like she is thinking.

"Yes. That's it." She confirms and I chuckle. "Also, if you want someone to annoy you, you have Mr. Gangster here." Mark holds her hand. I smile. I am so happy for her. He looks at her like... Like he loves her.

"Bye, Lu-Angela." Mark says and Clay looks at him. He was about to call me something else. Hunter stiffens beside me. I frown, but smile.


Clay and Mark leave soon and I am with Hunter now. In his arms. He leans down and kisses me. I kiss him back.

I taste the maple syrup in his mouth.

"I will never get enough of you, Angel." He whispers and kisses me again. I smile and kiss him back. I don't want you to. I think to myself.

We are in his room and on his bed. He is holding me as we watch a movie. It feels peaceful and I smile thinking about what we did last night. The way he felt between my thighs. Oh! What would it feel like to have him inside me? I can't stop thinking about that.

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