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Hunter's POV

"You cannot be a true red wolf even if you change." I can't stop myself from saying that. Looking at him lay greedily on that steel table for the witch to work her magic is stupid. He is a fool to think that turning himself into a red wolf will make him powerful.

"Alpha." One of his commanders comes forward. "The guy that we just turned accepted him," he pauses to look at me as he speaks. Everyone looks at me for a brief moment. "As the Alpha. This doesn't seem right." He is smart. If only Lupus is as smart as this guy. His eyes meet mine and I can't help the smirk on my face.

Ah! I can imagine seeing him turn and bow to me. I would snap his neck in a second and end this war.

"Every wolf has the right to challenge it's Alpha, to beat his Alpha and to kill his Alpha." Lupus speaks as he doesn't look away from me. He is a fool to think he can kill me.

The commander moves back and lets the process begin. Lupus gives me one last arrogant look and lays back on the bed. The sound of metal clanging hits the room again as I try to break free. I know it's useless, but seeing this piece of shit trying to be something that he can never respect is boiling my blood. The young boy that has just been turned into wolf has been pulled out of the room a while ago.

Thinking of how that boy has been robbed of his future brings me no comfort.

The guy that inject the boy with my blood, brings the sample of my blood again and inject it into Lupus.

"The moment I have been waiting for my whole life." Lupus speaks as he lays on the steel bed. "Do you know what it feels like to finally have what you wanted?" There is that sadistic joy in his words. Pure happiness.

"You are a sadistic asshole!" Fucking Lunatic!

"I am fucking genius, my Nephew! I can now have my own pack. The most powerful pack." His voice has that dark greed again. The witch starts her work on him. Her chantings increase and her voice grows louder. I just lay there with no option but to watch this monster attain the power he always wanted.

The whole room echos with her voice. I try to break free from the shackles. I need to. Once he turns Red, he is going to lose control and kill me to attain the power. His wolf might recognise me as his Alpha, but the human in him wants something else entirely and wants something completely different.

The witch works her magic on him. Everyone in the room has their focus on him. As I try to break free, I feel the hold of the metal on one of my hands reduce. I pause and realise that it must be because the witch is channelling a lot of her energy on turning him that her power of her spell on the metal holding me down reduces. I break free one hand. No one notices. Then... I am hit with it.

The smell of roses... Angel! Fuckl! Fuck, fuck, fuck!

"No." I whisper. She can't fucking be here! Not right now! She is walking right into his trap! Her scent is still far away. These wolves cannot feel, smell or hear her. Even though my senses are low right now. My wolf is still in me. The feel and the pull of my mate is still there. It will be there till my last breath.

"This way!" Her voice sounds anxious. I look around the room to see if anyone heard her voice. None of them did.

Fuck! I break free my other hand and get off the table. I still cannot connect with my wolf. I can feel him. As I get off the table and charge to the witch, I am thrown back and hit the wall. That's when all of the wolves look at me and rush to me to hold me down.

You are not going to win Lupus, you are not going to be the fucking Red Wolf you dreamed to be. You don't deserve to be one!

My hands bund into fists and hit any wolf that comes my way. I hold a guys hand that tries to stop me and break it as I feel the rage take me over. He yells in pain and groans loudly. I am sure my eyes are dark now.

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