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Anna's POV

My wolf lands directly on the new Red Wolf. He is out of control. Hunter is fighting him. He looks lean. There are dark circles under his eyes. My wolf doesn't take it well. Her anger rises just like mine. My jaws catch his neck and as my wolf tries to sink her teeth in him, he wiggles hard and throws me off my balance.

"Fuck, Angel! I told you to stay at the pack house!" Hunter yells. My wolf looks at him and even he knows that's not possible. He shakes his head, but I see the pride in his eyes. The Red Wolf in front of us howls. The chanting of the witch increases. She is being circled and protected by Lupus's commanders. We need to stop her. The kids are shaking.

What the fuck has he done to them?!

I look at Lupus, who is ready to pounce. Suddenly I remember all the yers of pain, the running, the hiding, the unstability, the anxiety... they all came back to me. The fact the he even dared to lay his hands on my sister, the fact that he killed by mother and the fact that he did something to my mate... MY MATE! I can't control my anger. I thought the next time I saw him, I would be scared. But no...

I want to rip his throat and show him what pain is.

I pounce the wolf that's in front of me. It is fake, the power this wolf possesses is not something he deserves. He wanted to become powerful, but he never understood the weak. His obsession is going to end today, because I am going to kill him. I look at Hunter and node my head towards the witch to stop her. He understands but shakes his head.

We need to stop this! Come on! Please!

He still stays.

Lupus, gets my neck. Our wolves are fighting hard. All the training that I have had since childhood, everything comes in hand now. The training that Hunter gave me when I turned comes in handy. I never knew how to fight in uy wolf form. But fighting Lupus just after few weeks of training is hard. My emotions guide me in fighting him.

The pain... The anger...

I bite him back and bite the wolf's ear. He grumbles and moves away. Hunter is about to help me, but my wolf stops him. She wants to kill him herself just like I want to.

With all my might, I jump at him. The image of the way he dragged my mother out and killed her right in front of me rushes back. I howl and bite him back. I fight him like hell as he whimpers. My wolf circles him like he is her prey. He is.

He gets back up, but my wolf bites him again before he can attack, he whimpers again. His wolf is getting angry, but he don't know how to control his new found power.

I aim for his neck from under and my claws hold his neck as I pull out the skin and then the rip his throat. Blood gushes out and runs down my neck. The large wolf above me whimpers and collapses to the ground.

My wolf's blood rush reduces as she sees him struggling for his life. Hunter comes and stands beside me. We watch as he takes his last breath.

Hunter and I look at each other and I am about to change into my human form. I want to hug him, smell him and feel him. He holds my fur and runs his hand on my wolf's back. It calms her down.

Suddenly we hear the chanting stopped.

"Alpha!" Derek comes in and looks at us. He looks at the body of Lupus's wolf and looks at the blood on me. He looks shocked and proud.

"Remind me to never piss you off." Hunter says from beside me and if this was not a serious situation, I would have smiled.

"Luna!" He greets with the utmost respect. He respected me before, but this is different. He knows that I can protect his pack from any danger. That is the kind of respect I want to earn for these people that have been put in danger because of me. I want to save them, protect them and be a part of them. Derek looks out the room and we see that the Witch has been killed, but the young wolves are struggling.

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