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Angela's POV

It's Monday. I can't speak enough on how much I have been waiting for today.

Clara and I have finished shifting to the new place. It's so cozy and comfortable. It's even cheap. I wonder why it's cheap. It's been a whole another task. Since we don't have much luggage, it's been easy.

I look at myself in the mirror. My hair is completely dark now. I applied black color to cover the red roots. I have always colored my hair since Uncle Anthony died. Picking up the blue scarf that I always carry, I wear it around my neck. I am wearing a white summer dress with full sleeves. It's been a long time since I have been on a proper date.

My phone pings and I can't help the smile on my face, when I see who it is. Gangster Hunter.

Good morning, Angel. Can you send me your address so I can come pick you up?

My heart does a jump when I read the endearment that he call me. Address? Can I give it to him? My heart wants to, but not my mind.

I have just started. How about we meet at the restaurant? Just tell me the place, I will be there.

I feel so embarrassed as I sent it. Normally, I wouldn't feel guilty for being safe. But this time, it has my stomach stirring. Did I sound too rude? My phone pings again.

Sure. The Coffee Hut. I will be there in five. It reads. I sigh. He sends another message. If you need anything. Just give me call. He is such a sweet man.

"It's right here." I tell her and she stops the car.

"So, you are really going out with this guy, huh?" Clara asks.

"I am. I like him." She scoffs at my reply.

"Relax. You don't even know him." She pauses for a moment. "Angie, just... I know that you like him and I have never seen you like this. Just... Just take it slow." She looks at me with concern and seriousness. "Okay?"

"You don't need to worry my Little Clay." I pinch her cheek. She rolls her eyes and swats my hand away. "I will be fine. Drive safe now." I get out of the car and her phone rings. She cuts the call.

"You know, this town is filled with assholes." She curses.

"Good day, Clay." I yell as she turns the car around and drives off. I turn around and find him leaning against his car with his arms folded near his chest. He is wearing a black t-shit and he looks handsome as ever. My head starts aching again. Not now! Why does it keep happening? He takes his shades off and stands up straight once he sees. That charming smile is back on his lips and I can't help but smile.

"Hey!" I greet trying not to blush.

"Hey Angel! You look beautiful this morning. You made my week."

I blush and bite my lip. "Please don't make me blush." I plead and he chuckles.

"No promises."

"Is this the restaurant?" It's a small coffee shop. It's cute and looks nice.

"Yes. They sell the best pancakes in the town."


"Yes." He holds my hand like we have known each other for years and takes me in. "You will love them." As soon as we enter, they greet Hunter.

"Alp-Hunter." They greet. There it is again. What is it? He nods his head at them.

"Good morning, Jason."

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