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Angela's POV

"What did he find out? Tell me!" I demand Hunter. He look at me with a concern and uncertainty. He shakes his head. Tears are flowing down my eyes non-stop. The fear of what Lupus might have done to Clay is eating me. Mark has left to find her. I caused a rukus wanting to go with him, but Hunter held me back. This is what Lupus wants. He wants me to walk into his den directly. That's why Hunter stopped.

"The compound he is living in hard to pass through." Hunter informs. He has a frown on his face. He is thinking about how to pass it too. He concentrates hard and I know he is mind linking Mark. He runs a hand through his hair like he is frustrated about something Mark has said.

"What happened?" I can't stop myself. I want to run to Clay every passing second and it's getting hard to keep my feet steady. Hunter looks at me.

"Mark wants to take chance and go inside. It's not safe." I understand him. Of course it's not safe. But it is his mate. I can only imagine how I would feel if they had Hunter there. But right now my selfish mind wants Mark to go in there and look for Clay.

"If something happens to Clay, I will kill that bastard, Hunter!" My wolf is very agitated. The fact that our sister, our best friend and my family is in danger is making me want to rip something apart. Hunter holds my shoulders.

"If he hurts this pack's Beta Female, no one is going to sit still." Hunter speaks and just them Derek walks in.

"All the pack members are safe. Some of them are getting treatment. Some of them are given shelter in the house in the town and some pack members are sharing houses with the pack members who need shelter. Situation is under control for now."

"Make sure everything stays under control." Hunter commands and Derek nods. "Where are the rest of the trackers?"

"They are trying to trace the scent of the any more bombs in the field. They actually found one a few feet away from the pack training ground and diffused it." Derek explains and Hunter takes a sharp breath in.

"Any more?" Hunter asks.

"They are still trying to find." Derek looks down.

"I need to go to Clay." I can't stop myself. This is ridiculous! Being here and waiting for someone to bring her back! "I can't lose my only family!" I nearly yell. Hunter turns me to him and looks like I have just hurt him.

"Me too!" He confirms. His hands move from my shoulders to my face holding my face like I am might break. "I can't lose my only family!"

For a second, I hated myself more for hurting him. My wolf is upset with me too. I felt like I am worst than Lupus. He is my mate! He is my family!

"You will stay right here!" He turns to Derek and I want to fall to my knees to apologise to him. The fact that I have hurt him claws at my heart. "Stay here with her. Have our warriors brought here. I want five of them guarding the house."

What is he talking about?!

"I will go and bring Clay home." Hunter promises me as he turns to me. A sob breaks my chest and I fall on him, letting a few sobs. His palm smoothens my hair as he kisses the crown of my head.

"I am sorry." I have to say it. I can't live or concentrate on anything knowing I have hurt him. He has been through all this because of me. His pack is going through so much because I am the mate of their Alpha. All the pack members have been hurt because of me. But they are all fighting for me. They are all fighting for their Beta Female. I have the best family I could have ever imagined.

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