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Angela's POV

"I am serious about this." I smile at Clay. She pulls me in for a hug.

"Oh, I have waited for this for so long, Angie!" She pulls away and grins. "Now I don't have to hide when I go for runs. We can go for runs together and train together. My wolf will finally meet her sister." She pauses before speaking. "I have spoken to Linda-"

"Linda?" I cut her off.

"Yes, the witch that has cast a spell on you. She said that if you want to turn, it will take a few days. She will be sending you a potion to remove the effect of old potions."

"How many times have you used that potion to stop my wolf?" I ask as I fold my hands near my chest.

"Four times." She looks down guiltily. I don't say anything for a minute.

"When? I know that one of them is during Mark's birthday party." I embarrassed myself in front of Hunter that day.

"Mark's birthday party? Hunter didn't tell you?" She asks.


"That it was not actually Mark birthday that day. It was a fake party that he threw to meet you." As she tells me that, my jaw drops open and I gape at her. What? Hunter did that? Aww. That's so romantic. I feel myself falling deeper for him. I blush a little and smile. "Mark told me a week later."

"I can't believe this." I whisper.

"I was shocked too. But not too shocked. I understand the need to be with your mate and I understand why he did that." She shrugs.

"Is the need to be with your mate really that strong?" I can't help but wonder. I feel like I want to be with him all the time, but I didn't know it is this much.

"You will know when you turn, Angie. You will understand why he constantly wants to know where you are." He does. He keeps messaging me. Not that that annoys me. I very much enjoy his texts. "Why he constantly has security around you."

"He has security around me?" He didn't tell me that.

"I should shut up now."

"Where? I don't see anyone."

"You know, I don't think we should speak of this anymore." She zips her lips. "My lips are sealed now. Don't tell him that I told you that."

"Fine, I will ask him myself. Now tell me. When are the other three times that you gave me that potion?" She sighs as I ask her that.

"The first time is when you are supposed to turn." I remember that day. I had a huge headache. I felt like my head is about to crack open. I cried and screamed for an hour nearly. Later passed out. "Uncle has put it in your drink." I nod my head. "The second time was when Uncle died. Your remember, you had another serious head ache?" She asks.

"Yeah." I whisper. It took a toll on both of us.

"You thrashed in your sleep, too." I just process everything that she is saying. "I put it in your food next morning. The third was when I got into an accident."

"I remember that accident." She got badly hurt. I was scared for my life. She was run over my other car. "Anyway, so that was it. We are here now, with our mates. You don't have to take that potion anymore. Although, since I have already given you some since a month back, it will take a while for the effect to fade off as I have said before. You can grow and learn everything about wolves by that time."

That's true.

"Luna, can I have one more cookie?" Jane, the little girl in the pack house asks me for another cookies that I baked for the kids of the pack. She is holding a dog soft toy and looking at me with those big blue eyes.

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