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Angela's POV

I watch Hunter train the pack wolves. There are about fifty of them out here now. They train them in a batch of fifty. So have about six sessions a day. Hunter, Mark, Derek and Kyle keep changing shifts to teach them.

Hunter and pack members want me to train them, but according to the pack rules, I have to be a member of the pack to do so. I have to wait another week or so.

Hunter has been busy these days with the patrol. He has increased security around the pack and interrogating any rogues that he comes across. The rogue in the basement is still there. He has been trying to track the moves of Lupus without him knowing. I don't know what he will do once he actually gets Lupus.

We have been all over each other these past two weeks. I can't get enough of him. I want to be close to him all the time. I feel jealous and possessive. I didn't know that I could feel that way. I don't know how he stops himself. He has such good control on himself.

It's like everything is multiplied for me. I don't know how to handle or control these impulses. He has taught me a lot on how to keep myself in control. Since they know that they are wolves, they will be trained to control themselves so that when they turn into wolf it will be easy for them.

I am learning everything from scratch and Hunter has been incredibly patient with me. He puts my needs first always.

As I stare at him, I think of the way he made love to me last night. It was slow and then fast, then slow again. It was a sweet torture and he was completely in control. He looks at me from across the field and our eyes meet.

Every time, Baby. He speaks through the mind link and winks at me. I immediately blush. He said those words last night.

He is buried deep inside and stops moving. I moan and move myself on him, he stops me and leans down to be near my ear. He is on top of me.

"You feel that?" He asks moving slowly. I moan again.

"Hunter." I whisper in pleasure. He stops moving again. He moves up and looks at me. Our eyes meet and I feel lost in those green eyes again.

"Every time you look at me, remember the feel of me inside you, Baby." He moves again and buries deep inside me.

"Please." I ask and he smiles before moving again.

I suddenly remember how he felt inside me and I start to melt. I bit my lip and he looks like he wants to come over, but stops himself. Well, I can play this game too.

Instead of remembering that, how about you actually come over and show me how it feels when you are inside me.

I know that he heard me and he looks at me. He looks at me so quick that I think he got a whiplash. I can see the need in his eyes. I blow him a kiss and he closes his eyes and gulps. I smile knowing the effect I have on him.

Don't play this game with me, Angel.

Why not? I ask and he shakes his head at smiles.

"Are you both seriously flirting?" Clara's voice brings me out of the trance. I look away embarrassed. "What has he done to you, Angie?"

"Believe me. I ask that myself a lot." I don't know the answer. She sighs.

"Well, that's how Mark makes me feel, so... I kind of get it." She shrugs as she stands beside me. We just stand there in silence and look at our mates. Mark is right behind Hunter.

"I feel happy, Clay." I confess and she looks at me smiling.

"I know. I am happy too, Angie." I hold her hand.

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