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Angela's POV

"Ahh!" The ache grows every second.

"You are transforming. Your body is not ready for it. You should stop yourself. Focus on my voice."

"Hunter." I whisper as I feel the pain subdue for a minute and then suddenly comes back. He holds my hand as I lay my back on the tree sitting. I hear a snap and scream. It is my bone breaking.

"Alpha." Kyle appears behind Hunter.

"She is shifting. Guard the perimeter. Make sure there are no rogues coming this way." He orders him without looking at him.

"Alpha." He greets and leaves.

"Clay... Safe... Ahh!" I scream again as another bone snaps.

"She is being taken to the pack doctor. Don't worry about her, Angel. She is safe."

I feel like my stomach is turning. I vomit my guts out again on the side Hunter is not sitting. Blood again comes out.

"This is not good. No, no, no." Hunter panics. I can't concentrate on what he is saying.

"It... hurts." I whisper. He holds my hand tightly. "Stop... it." I turn away holding my stomach.

"Baby." Hunter turns me again and holds me in his lap. I meet his eyes. I feel like I might die. I scream in pain again. "Don't panic. No." He tells me in calm voice. "Listen to my voice. Don't panic. We have discussed about this remember?" He asks like he is talking to a child. We did discuss it. He told me how it's going to be painful. I didn't expect it to be like this. I feel like my head is burning.

I lay there in his lap and each of my bone snaps. I keep screaming in pain. I writhe under him. He is rocking me. His voice is soothing. He helps me focus on him instead of the pain. I shake and scream. I toss and turn.

He looks at me. I stare back at him. Suddenly, I feel all the pain leave my body and I stare into his eyes. I let out a breath. I sigh. I feel tired.

"Hunter." I whisper his name.

"Angel." He calls out.

Then it happens. I am hit with an enormous amount of pain and I scream loudly. Before I know it, I feel my skin tearing apart and something breaking inside of me.

I look around and everything seems enhanced. I am standing on four legs. I look down and my paws are red. I can see through the darkness between the trees that I was not able to see before.

Did I turn? Am I actually a wolf now?

I look at my paws again. It feels new.

Mate. A voice in me screams and I turn behind. I feel like I am not in control now. I feel like someone else took over my mind. The wolf in me turns around and I look at Hunter, who is now standing.

Mate. The voice in me screams and I feel a whole different kind of emotions. He is looking at the wolf in wonder. He reaches his hand out and rubs the fur under the neck. The wolf purrs. I am just at the back of the mind watching it all.

"Angel." He whispers. He looks into my eyes. "You look beautiful." His hand on my fur is sending tingles all the way. It is too much. I knew it would be enhanced, but I didn't know that it would be this much. Everything that I felt for him, all of it just increased. Not that I loved him any less before. I know that he is the one for me. But it's like nothing makes sense anymore other than him.

I am born for him. I will die for him. Nothing matters in the world other than him. He is the only one that's keeping me sane.

The wolf in me growls and licks his face. He chuckles.

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