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Angela's POV

"You should leave." I tell Hunter and Mark. Mark is sitting beside Clara, who is on the couch of our living room. He is holding her hand. Hunter is beside me. Being in a room with all of them is scaring me. They turned into wolves. Clara did too. But, she is my sister. I trust her. I want to hear her side.

"His wolf won't leave her side, Angel." Hunter speaks and takes a step towards me. I move away. "I know that you have a lot of questions. We can answer them."

"No. I just want to talk to my sister." As I speak, Clay looks at me apologetically.

"Angie! It's okay. They are no harm to us." She meets my eyes. "Trust me." This is so frustrating! I put my head in my hands. I  just can't digest what I witnessed! I don't want them here right now. But since Clay want them to. I sigh.

"Clay. I don't even know where to start." I push my hair away from my face. "How did you turn into a wolf?" She looks down for a minute before looking up. She looks at Mark and then at Hunter.

"You should tell her. It's time." Hunter speaks and then looks at me. He looks hurt. The makes my heart feel pain. I look back at Clay. She nods her head at him. I can't believe this! He knows more about my sister and me that I do! That even sounds ridiculous!

"Angie, I am a werewolf."

Her words make everything more real. My sister, with whom I have lived for more than twenty years, is a werewolf. I don't even know that!

"No." I whisper. "No."

"It's true. They are werewolves too." She tells looking at Mark and Hunter. I look at Hunter and he nods his head.

"I can't believe this! No!" I pace around the living room. Somewhere in my heart I wish that she would just say that all I saw was a dream and that's it's not true. But this only makes me feel more hurt!

"When did this happen?" How?

"You remember the one week trip I took during my eighteenth birthday?" She asks and I nod. "That's when." It all makes sense now. They way she behaved after she came back. She became more responsible. She grew more close to me and Uncle. "Why didn't you tell me before?"

"Uncle didn't want you to know." She looks down guiltily.

"Did he know-Oh my God!" I then remember how they used to go for walks together at night. "He is a werewolf too." I sit down in a chair. Processing all this is not easy. "I always thought he was just obsessed with the concept of wolves, but this..." I hold my head in my hands. He used to tell us small stories about the legends and all. Not much. But he did.

"I am sorry, Angie. I wanted to tell you, so many times." Clay tries to get up, but Mark stops her. She had stitches. Her leg is on the small stool. "I really did. I just didn't know how. When I mustered up the courage to tell you, it was too late. I was so deep in hiding it." I don't know what to say. Of course I am hurt that she didn't tell me! We were supposed to be a team!

"How do you know them?" I ask nodding at Mark. I then remember the time she spoke to them at my restaurant when I first met Hunter. "Did you know them before we came here?"

"No. I didn't." Clara clarifies.

"She is a rouge." Hunter speaks. He is still beside me. I look at him in confusion.


"She doesn't belong to any pack." What does he mean?

"Pack?" I ask. "Are there more werewolves?" I m shocked.

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