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Hunter's POV

"That was a good one." My mate was about to punch me in the face and I ducked. I am training her how to fight. Today is the first day and I wanted to see how and what she is good in so I can teach her from there and I have to say, she is pretty good in all of them. She even knows archery. Her Uncle taught her well. She chuckles and comes at me again. I smirk.

We practice for a while and stop for the day. We are now walking through the forest near my house holding hands.

"You can fight real good, Angel."

"What, you thought that I can only cook well?" She smiles.

"No, I thought you actually kiss well too." She giggles and blushes at my words.

"Last night was..." She trails off. Clara joined our pack yesterday. We had a pack run as per the custom. But having my mate on my back... It was wonderful. Even though she is not a wolf yet, I felt her power last night and I am sure she felt mine. My wolf was ecstatic to meet her. "It was beautiful." We keep walking through the forest.

"You don't know how happy my wolf is."

"I am happy to meet your wolf too." My jumps at her words. "Your wolf is beautiful." She says. I smile. I can't help it. I try to hide it.

We are walking through the forest and find two wolves sitting together and playing. They are playfully biting each other's paws. She stops and looks at them. She bites her lips and looks at me.

Oh, I wish I can hear what she is thinking!

She smiles and shakes her head. We turn away and walk in the other direction. She is silent... thinking something. I let her be. She has a lot going on. Last night might have made her feel... maybe it was too much.

I hear sounds. Sounds of someone having sex. It must be the pack members. They are free to walk through these lands as they please. This is the only place they can be themselves.

"Angel." I call and she looks at me with those big blue eyes. She is so beautiful. The red at the end of her root hair is showing slowly. "Let's go this way." I tell her and she frowns.

"I thought we are walking to the waterfall. Isn't it this way?" She asks pointing to the direction we are now walking in.

"It is... But..." She waits for me to continue. "There is a pack couple. They are... busy."

"Busy." She looks at me in confusion.

"Yeah. Like we were at the waterfall." As soon as I say that, she realises and blushes red. I chuckle. We turn the other way to walk. We are again walking silently.

"What does it feel like when we turn into our wolf?" She asks out of blue and I look at her. Oh, good! Wolf questions! I have been waiting for her to ask me.

"It hurts the first time, Angel. But as we keep shifting, the body gets used to it and becomes flexible to it. That's why when someone turns for the first time, we make them turn into their wolf for the next month, so that they can easily get used to it."

"Do they have to definitely turn for the next month?" She looks scared.

"No. It's their wish. But they know that, that's the only way to make it feel less painful." She nods her head as I speak. "Your body is changing and for it to get used to it, you have to train it every day. Just like exercising."

"Oh." Her mouth forms a little 'O' and I want to kiss her.

"But when we turn normally, we feel like we are one with the nature." She looks at me as if I am telling her the most interesting thing. "We thrive in these woods. Our wolves are in control as we turn. Their instincts heighten." She nods her head again.

"What does it feel like to be in a pack?" She asks. We reach the rock that's in front of my house. I sit and hold her hands. I pull her to me. Her hands are on my shoulders.

"Before I answer that, let me ask you a question." I speak and she looks tensed. I can feel her heart beat rising. "You don't need to worry, Angel. Not around me." She gives a smile. She is still nervous. I wish she isn't always on her toes around me. "Do you feel like you belong with me?" I ask and she opens and closes her mouth, then stays silent for a few seconds. She looks down and then looks at me.

"I do." As soon as she answers, I want to let out a sigh of relief. I can't help but smile. "I never felt this way before." She touches my neck with her finger and looks at her finger. I am sure she is fixated on those tingles. "I can't believe I still feel these tingles." She says in amazement.

"Trust me. I feel them twice as much." I do. "Being in a pack brings a sense of belonging. Sure there are certain rules, but you will also have a family." As soon as I say that she falls silent. She looks down. Tears pool in her eyes and my heart feels like someone is squeezing it. "Angel, no." I pull her closer and wipe away her tears. I don't want to see her cry.

"I would love to feel that way." She puts her head on my chest and I soothe her hair.

She has been running all her life with only her sister and her Uncle. I can only imagine what she is feeling. The pain is clear in her voice. I feel her pain.

Oh Angel!

Angela's POV

Belonging? Family?

I have wanted to feel that all my life. I always had this hollow feeling in my heart as we kept running. I felt guilty for Clara suffering because of me. It would be beautiful to have a place where I feel like I am a part of the family, where I can feel like I belong.

"Will I be only a part of your family if I become a wolf?" As I ask that, he pulls away and looks at me with a frown. My heart is flipping.

"No. Of course not, Angel. You are my mate, no matter what. The pack already wants to accept you as you are."

"Really?" I can't believe this.

"Yes. The kids are excited to meet their future Luna."

"Hunter." I don't know how to ask this. "Why didn't you ever ask me to turn into a wolf?" He never once brought up that topic. He never once asked me about my wolf. He never once put any kind of pressure on me o even mentioned about my opinion on whether I want to turn into my wolf or not. He sighs as I ask that.

"You have a lot going on, Angel. I would love it if you want to turn into a wolf. My wolf would go ecstatic if you shift. He would have someone finally. You would feel everything that I feel for you. But I don't want to pressure you into doing that. I want it to be your choice completely." His words bring such pleasure to my heart. The fact that he thought about my feelings and stayed silent speaks volumes.

"I am so grateful for you silence on that topic." He gives me a smile. "I love that I am your mate." He grins at my words and kisses my lips. I really do.

"Oh Angel." He whispers into the kiss and I kiss him back.

I feel lucky to have someone like that.

I kiss him back with equal passion. My hands are around his neck and his are on my waist. His tongue enters my mouth. This time, I don't let him dominate. Something in me wants to take control. The kiss is full of sweetness, passion, dominance and... love.

That's right. I love him.

I am sure there won't be anyone else other than him.

We pull away as we are out of breath. I am breathing heavily and meet his eyes. I lean my head against his forehead and we both smile through our breaths. I meet his green eyes.

"I want to be a wolf, Hunter."

I want to feel everything that he feels for me. I want to run with him, I want to flee with him and I want to be with him.

Iwant to turn.


Hey my cute dumplings!

Accepting what we are and who we are is the most honest and kind thing we can do for ourselves. Tell me what you think.

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