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Angela's POV

"Hunter. Ah. Please. Ah." I moan louder as he sucks on my nipples. His other hand is running all over my body. He licks it and looks into my eyes as he sucks on it. "Stop it. Someone might come in." I plead even though I don't want him to stop.

"Oh, I locked the door, Angel." He says and bites my nipple gently.

We are in his room and today is the day Clara will be joining his pack. He said that everyone will gather in front of the pack house that he will be taking me tonight. The ceremony will be held there. I am back with Hunter and came here for the weekend. We are having fun.

All kinds of fun.

We haven't done the deed yet, but things are getting pretty hot lately. I can't keep my hands off him and the same goes for him.

He looks up and pulls me into his lap.

"I am so happy." He kisses my lips. I giggle. "You don't know how happy my wolf is." He looks into my eyes as he holds my face. "I can't believe you agreed to ride with me tonight!" He sounds excited and flips me over on the bed again. He has a huge grin on his face. The fact that he is happy because of me makes me ever happier. I bit my lip. "My wolf has been dying to meet you."

"I would love to meet him too." I hold his hand. "Although I should say, I am a little scared." He frowns.

"You have nothing to be scared of. It's me, Baby. My wolf would die before he hurt you." He says seriously. I don't know what to say. I just give him a smile. "You just have to hold on tight when we ride." He puts his head in my neck and rubs his nose. It tickles me. I laugh.

"I will try my best to hold on tight."

"Are you ready for this?" I ask Clay as she looks at Mark, who is with Hunter at the other end of the field. There are several people, I mean... Werewolves, gathered here. They are all looking at me and I try to ignore their eyes on me. It's night and Clay will be joining their pack any minute now.

"I am so ready." She looks happy. I feel happy.

"I am happy for you."

"I am happy, Angie! You know, I have always dreamed of meeting my mate, settling down with him and it's finally coming true." She sounds happy. "You know what the best part is?" She asks meeting my eyes.


"I get to be with you. I don't have to be away from you to be with my mate." Tears pool in her eyes. That makes me cry too.

"Oh Clay!" I pull her in for a hug.

We pull away and smile at each other

The ceremony starts and everyone gathers. Hunter is standing in the middle in the clearing with everyone around him. Mark is standing a few feet away from him. I hear rustling behind me and find Derek and Kyle. We share a smile. Clara who is holding my hand, gives it a small squeeze and I nod at her. It is time now. She let's go of my hand.

As she walks up to Hunter, the other people make way. Mark is standing there looking proud of his mate. She is wearing a light blue dress and looks beautiful. Once she reaches the middle, she stands in front of Hunter.

He puts out his hand and makes a cut. He gives the blade to Clara and she does the same. She then puts her hand in his and bows down.

"Clara, do you accept to join, protect, fight and with hold your responsibilities towards the Moon Claw pack?" He asks.

"I do."

"Do you accept me, Hunter, as your Alpha?"

"I do, Alpha."

"I here by declare you as an official member of the Moon Claw Pack." He says loudly.

I hear Derek and Kyle take a deep breath behind me. Suddenly there is a change in the air. The wind blows. I can feel the power in the air. Hunter lets out a howl. A long powerful howl. Soon after him, Mark howls and then Clara and then the whole pack. I feel something inside me stir. I have a feeling inside me that I can't describe.

"You can get up now." He tells her and she does. He nods at Mark and Mark comes to stand beside Clay. He holds her hand. "Do you, Mark and Clara accept your mate bond created by our Goddess the Moon?"

"We do." They both reply in unison.

"Do you accept to take up your responsibilities as Beta and Beta Female and promise to protect your pack members and your pack's honour with your life?"

"We accept." They both say in unison again.

I feel tears stir in my eyes. It is so beautiful. Mama, Papa, I wish you were here.

Everyone around us cheers and I feel lost in the happiness. Derek and Kyle howl.

"We finally have our Beta Female!" Derek says.

"Yeah. Oh, Mark has been waiting for her so long." Kyle responds.

"We wish you join us soon, Luna." Derek says and I smile. I told him not to call me that, but they said me that Hunter ordered them to.

"Hunter would be over the moon when that happens." Kyle chuckles.

I smile and turn to Clay.

"Is everyone ready for the run?" Hunter shouts cheerfully. Some cheer along and some howl. It feels like a celebration.

"Shift." He yells and everyone turns into their wolf within seconds. I hear bones cracking behind me and find two wolves. Suddenly they are on their paws. I turn around to find a huge red wolf, walking towards me. All the eyes of the wolves are on me. My heart beats rapidly and I look into the eyes of the wolf. I know I agreed to ride with him today. But it scares me to see him in his wolf form.

His eyes look right into my soul. Nervousness builds within me, but as I look deep into his eyes, I know that it is Hunter. He comes and crouches down beside me. He pushes me with his head and I feel his soft fur. I put my hand on his face.

"Hunter." I whisper. He lets out a small growl. I hold his red fur. He looks so radiant in the moon light. So beautiful.

I get on top of him and hold him tightly. He turns to the crowd of wolves and looks up at the sky. He howls again, but louder this time. He turns to the wolves. Suddenly, I realize I am the only human. I look at all of them. This is so surreal. A month ago, I would not have believed if anyone said that werewolves existed.

Hunter takes a few slow steps and fastens the pace. The howls increase and he starts running. He starts running faster. I look over my shoulder and find the wolves following him.

The sound of paws thudding the floor increases my heart rate. I hold on to Hunter's fur tightly. He runs faster. I like this. I have never felt like this before. I like the energy I feel. It's owning me.

We are now going up a hill. The wolves are all running together.

I look up and see the moon through the branches of the tall trees that we are running past. I can't help but, smile as the breeze passes through me.

We are reaching the top of the cliff. Once we are up there, Hunter's wolf quickly turns to the rest of the wolves and stops. All of them stop and Hunter lets out a howl at the moon. They all look up at the moon. I search for Clay in the group and find her standing beside a wolf in the front row. That must be Mark.

Looking at all of them, as I sit on Hunter and watch them all howl together... I wish to be one of them.

Oh my God! Did I just say that?

I feel the power of Hunter surging through me. This is not normal. They all keep howling.

What does it feel like to be one of them?

What does it feel like to be a wolf?


Hey my cute dumplings!

What does it feel like to accept ourselves as we are?

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