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Angela's POV

"Another chicken soup." I yell the order to Mr. Lanson. It's closing time and it's only me, Mr. Lanson and another chef. I helped to be a waiter for today since one of them had to take a leave suddenly.

"Got it. Anything else?" He asks.

"No. That's it for now."

"Thank you for the help." He says.

"Oh, it's fine."

Going out, I wait at the counter. There is a couple enjoying themselves their meal. It's so sweet to see that. Me and Clara have always been on the run since that night. We have stayed in a place more than a year.

We never got the chance to stay and have a relationship. Clara had been in short term relationships, but since Uncle died... She stopped for some reason. We have been our own family, we have been best friends and we have been each other's everything.

The door opens and then, I see him. Hunter. I would be lying if I said that I haven't been thinking about him. He is all that's on my mind since I have seen him yesterday night. I wanted to see him today and my wish came true.

His eyes meet mine as soon as he enters. I then do the most stupid thing. I smile like... like a fool.



Stupid Angie!

Something inside me is trying to snap. My head starts hurting a little. It's aching. It's been like that since last night. I try to concentrate though. She stops there and looks at me, just like I am looking at me. The person behind him walks past him and comes to me.

"Is Mr. Lanson in there?" He asks. I frown.

"Yes. He is. You are?"

"Hi! I am Derek. It's nice to meet you." He smiles sweetly.

"I am Angela. Nice to meet you too."

"That is my friend, Hunter." He introduces him to me. That's when he walks up to me. My breath is caught in my throat. He looks so... Oh my! "Mr. Lanson is my Uncle." Derek explains, but I don't look at him. We are both still staring at each other. "Well then... I need to speak with him. I will be right back." He speaks to Hunter. Once he is gone, we both don't talk, we just stand there.

We both open our mouth to speak at the same time. That makes us chuckle. Oh, he looks so good when he smiles. Does he feel the same way I do? Does he feel it?

"Hi!" He speaks first with a smile.

"Hi!" What is wrong with me? This is your chance idiot! Say something.

"Sorry for being weird last night." He apologizes. No! Like I wasn't weird enough.

"No. I was weird too. It's..." It's so intense. "It's just..."

"I get it." He says and I smile. "I am Hunter." He gives me his hand to shake. Will I feel those tingles again? Oh, how I want to feel them!

"I am Angela." I put my hand in his and there are those tingles again. Oh my! What is this? I gasp and pull my hand away in shock.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Angela." He takes my hand and kisses the back of it gently. My mind goes into frenzy. I feel like my eyes might roll into the back of my head as his lips touched my hand. I never felt this way. It's like my whole body just came alive. I look at him and he is looking at me the same way. He stands up straight but doesn't let go of my hand. I don't want him to.

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