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Angela's POV

"See you tomorrow, Mr. Lanson." I tell him as I take my scarf and handbag.

"See you tomorrow, Luna." He smiles back kindly. Apparently, he is one of the pack members of Hunter's pack and is actually Derek's Uncle like he said.

Going out, I take see Clay waiting for me. I quickly open the door and get in.

"Hey Clay!" I greet her and take out my phone. It's Hunter again. He has been calling me every hour and left a lot of messages. After I passed out in his office yesterday, I woke up in his bedroom. He asked me if I knew the person in the picture and I don't tell him anything. I just told him that he reminds me of someone. I told Hunter that I will be staying with Clara today. It was not easy to convince him.

"Hey Angie! Is it Hunter?" She asks as she looks at my phone. She starts the car and we are on the road.

"Yeah." I cut the call.

"He has been driving me and Mark crazy. You should lift that call and speak to him."

"I will. But I need to talk to you first." I need to speak to her about what I saw.

"What happened, Angie? Hunter told me that you passed out after seeing a picture." She looks at me with concern and looks back at the road "Do you know him?"

"Can you stop the car?" I feel like my head is spinning. I haven't been able to concentrate at work today. She nods her head and parks the car at the side of the road. I am panicking again. I need to breathe. I take a few breaths in and let them out.

"Angie, what is happening? Are you okay?" She turns to me in concern.

"I am good." I should calm myself down. I have Clay no matter what. I should tell her.

"You are scaring me. Please tell me what happened?" She asks. I look at her.

"I don't know whom I can trust anymore, Clay. I don't know if we came to the right place or just fell into a trap." My heart is beating fast.

"What?" She looks at me confused. "Please tell me."

"The man I saw in the picture at his office... It was... It was him, Clay." I start shaking as I imagine that night again. Clay understood what I am talking about.

"No." She is in shock too.

"Yes. He is Hunter's Uncle." That fact has put me in real shock yesterday. I didn't know if I should tell Hunter this or not.

"What? How can that be?" She asks in shock.

"That's what scares me. That's why I wanted to be away Hunter as soon as possible." My heart is still beating fast.

"But I had Linda test if the bond is real or not and she said he really is your mate. Do you think Hunter planned this?" She asks and I fall silent for a second.

"Frankly, I want to believe Hunter. My heart tells me that he is true, but my mind... I don't know." I sigh. "I don't want to talk about this with you at our house. It's his house and he might come in. They might listen to what we are talking." All of this is making me very paranoid. I push my hair back. She is looking at me with concern. "I don't know what to do, Clay."

"Oh Angie!"

"If it is any other time, we would have packed everything and left, but now, I don't want to go. I don't want to leave Hunter." Tears fall out of my eyes. Clay sits back in her seat and puts her head in her hands. I feel sorry for her. We can't run again. Not when we just found stability.

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