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Angela's POV

"I can't believe you agreed to come." Clara and I are driving to Hunter's party. He has been messaging me since afternoon. Once asking me if I had lunch, once to remind me of the party, once to ask if I am still coming, once to ask when I will get off work, once to ask if I reached home safe, once to ask if I on my way and the final one says that he is waiting for me. I look at my phone smiling like a fool.

"I can't believe I agreed to come. But there is no way I am leaving you alone at this party that this Gangsters throwing." She says and hits the brakes. The sound of music can be heard through the woods. I look up and we are surrounded by woods. It looks like we are in the forest. I frown.

"Are we in the forest?" I can't help but wonder.

"It looks like that. But don't worry. You got me to save you." Clara teases.

"Oh Please. I can even beat your ass. You know that. Uncle Anthony said that when he trained us." Uncle made sure we knew how to fight. He trained us for extreme situations. Just in case he comes back.

"I am not believing you." Clara says getting out the car. I come out and we both walk into the house. There are so many people around the house. There are lights on the trees too.

"Well, someday when I fight someone, you will see." We go inside the house.

"Angie, you never even hurt a fly. You can't fight." I can't believe she said that.

"That's true. You don't look like someone that can hurt another." I hear his voice. Hunter comes from behind us. He gives me a smirk and I look at Clay. She shrugs.

"You haven't seen me fight." I almost say it like a challenge, then realize that I told him that I can fight. Clara and I always practice, but never let anyone know that.

"You fight? You practice?" He asks in surprise.

"We are just kidding." Clara says chuckling. I just give him a smile.

"So, whose birthday is it?" I ask trying to change the topic.

"Mine." Mark comes with his goofish grin and stands beside Clay. She looks annoyed.

"Happy birthday." I greet him extending my hand. He shakes it, but Hunter takes my hand that Mark is currently holding and links his fingers with mine. Mark shakes his head.

"Thank you." He smiles kindly, then turns to Clay. "Aren't you going to wish me?" That sounds arrogant, but he asks her cutely. Clay rolls her eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. Happy Birthday." She wishes without looking at him. That's rude! Why is she being like this?

"Clay!" I whisper.

"Okay." She turns to him and gives him a smile. "Happy Birthday, Mark." She spits out his name.

"Come. Let's have a drink." Hunter pulls me aside pulling me with him. I happily follow him.

He gives me a drink. I take it, but I don't drink. He observes that, but says nothing. As I chat with him, I see a lot of people there looking at us... at me. Hunter pays no attention to it, but it kind of makes me nervous. Clay is standing on the other end of the room with Mark. They are having some argument. She is angry, but he is smiling.

Normally when we are out, Clara and I make sure that we are by each other's side or are at a place where we both can have an eye on each other. Uncle Anthony taught us that. Growing up with all these rules, I made sure to always follow them. Clara always rebelled. But after Uncle's death... It changed her so much. She follows his every rule now.

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