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Angela's POV

My mind goes blank at what just happened.

Great going, Angela! Kissing the guy right in the first meeting? What must he be thinking? Fuck!

I look at who opened the door and it's Clara. She is looking at me in shock. She stops in her tracks as he sees me and Hunter. She starts walking towards me. The door opens and a tall guy walks behind her.

"Angie!" She greets me. She looks between me and Hunter. "Shall we go?" She asks. The man behind her comes and greets Hunter.

"Hey Alp-Hunter!" He greets him. What was he about to call him?

"Mark." He greets him back. "This is Angela." He introduces me. I give him a shy smile. He looks at me and then Hunter for a second.


"Hi! It's nice to finally meet you." He smiles. Finally? What does he mean? I frown. "I mean..." He looks at Hunter for a second. "I heard about you from Clara." He points at her and smiles. I look at her and she is looking at him like she wants to kill him. He is just grinning. What is that? What's happening?

"Yeah, he..." She trails off.

"Do you know him, Clay?"

"Yep. I do." She clenches her jaw and looks at him like she wants to punch him. "He is a brother of one of the kids in my class." I can tell that she is lying. She shrugs at the look I give her. "Let's go."

"Let me wrap things in the kitchen." I say and am about to go, but Hunter grabs my phone quickly from my hand. "Oh, please." I plead and reach for it. But he puts his hand high up. Urgh! He is so tall and he puts his hand up. I can't reach him. He scrolls through my contacts and I jump to reach him. Suddenly he grins at me giving me my phone back. Did he see it? Of course he did.

Gangster Hunter. That's how I saved his name. I blush.

Please don't say it out loud. I plead internally.

"I like that." He says and I take my phone before going to the kitchen. Derek is talking to Mr. Lanson.

"Mr. Lanson, everyone left. My sister is here." They both look at me as I speak. Derek stands up straight.

"Good. You can leave for today." Mr. Lanson speaks.

"Bye. See you tomorrow." I put the apron down and grab my things.

"You can shove your opinions up your asshole." We hear Clara yell. My eyes go wide. She sounds angry. Oh it's never good when she is angry. We hear a chuckle.

"Sounds like Mark is here." Derek says as we all go out.

"You know Mark?" I ask.

"Of course."

"Does everyone know everyone in this town?" I sigh.

"We mostly do." He shrugs.

Once we go out, I find Clara with her hands folded near her chest and Mark standing in front of her with a huge smirk on his face. Hunter looks so amused by it.

"Let's go, Angie! This town is filled with assholes!" She curses as she turns her back to him and starts walking out. I give Mark a sorry look. She is out of the restaurant waiting by the car.

"She can be a little tough sometimes." I speak to Mark.

"It's fine. She's cute." He chuckles. He sounds cute to me. I smile. I turn to Hunter. I want to say something but my mouth doesn't open. I bite my lip.

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