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Hunter's POV

She is giggling. Her smile is so contagious. I can't stop myself from smiling. Her red hair is all over her face as she twirls her face towards me for a quick second while running through the woods as I try to catch her.

"You can't get me!" Her voice sounds so happy and excited. Her teasing words only fuel me as I run towards her.

"I will Angel and when I do I will not let you go." I run faster and before I know it, my arms encircle her. She tries to fight and run, but she knows she lost. I hold her so close. Her face is split in a huge smile and my heart just swells and pools near her feet. She doesn't know that. "You can't run far from me."

"Hunter!" She calls. My hand reaches her hair as I pull the hair out of her face. Fuck! She is so beautiful! "What if I run far away?" I know she is teasing me, but I can't stop the anger that comes with them.

"You can fucking try." My lips claim hers as I kiss her with such deep passion and love. She kisses me back with the same intensity.

I wish the happiness on her face stays there forever. I wish she will be happy because of me, with me just like this till the end of the days. My Angel.

Cold water is splashed on my face. The sounds of men talking and the smell of blood wakes me up. My eyes open and directly meets my Uncle. That fucking bastard! I tried to move when I realise I couldn't move. My hands and legs are tied. I am laid on a bed. I feel a sting on my hand and find that my blood is being drawn. I see a few men around me. A few blood packets are lying on a table. I know they are mine.

The men around me are setting the blood bags in a box. A few men are placed around the room. There is a dim light hanging over the bed. I cannot connect to my wolf. They must have injected me with something.

The sinister smile on his face pulls me back to reality. Where are my pack members?

"Ah! My nephew is finally awake!" His sarcastic comment irks me. The sound around room is irritating me. Something is not right. I try to react as less as possible. He bends down and as I try to get up. The chains clang as I try to move. "How does it feel to be tied down like this? Tell me, Hunter." His voice is so slow. "Your father tied me down just like this."

"Untie me and you will see that I will show you how it feels!" The anger in my voice is evident. He shakes his head and smirks.

"Fate is such a thing, right?" He gets up and stared down at me. "For the last twenty years I have been looking for her. And where does she land? Right in your territory. And she is your mate?" He laughs. "I only wanted to get your mate and leave you be. You are anyway untameable. But by chance, I got you in the trap." Like he would ever lay hands on her!

"I will fucking kill you." I seethe. My anger boils and I feel like driving a knife through his heart. I will, as soon as I get my hands free. He laughs. He looks like a mad man.

"All the best with that."

"What the fuck are you doing?" I look behind him and find a lot of young boys and girls, probably around 14-16. They are all put in chains. Some of them look scared. Some of them look angry. Some of them look paranoid. But some of them... They look like they want to be here.

"Ah!" He gets up and points a hand towards them as he meets my eyes. "They are my guinea pigs and soon..." He turns to them. "They will be my pack."

Will be his pack? What the fuck? They are all kids! Is he going to keep them here till they turn into wolves?!

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