A Sparring Match of Truth and Trust

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After Nadia's shower, she joined Natasha in the kitchen and sat down at the table.

"Your food is in the microwave. It got cold, so you'll need to heat it," Natasha informed.

"Not hungry. I think I'm just gonna go train," Nadia stated.

"On an empty stomach? Thought you were smarter than that," Natasha remarked.

Nadia clenched her jaw, "I just don't wanna eat, Natasha."

Natasha crossed her arms, "You haven't eaten since we got here, Nadia. Is there a reason you don't wanna eat?"

Nadia decided to just tell the truth.

"I haven't been ordered to," she sighed.


"I've been given orders since the day I was born. When to sleep. When to eat. It's what I'm used to," she explained.

"Well, what about when you went on missions?"

"In fear of being punished, I only ate when I needed to. When I felt like I was gonna pass out. Without orders, I can be... neglectful," she stated.

Natasha went to the microwave and heated the food for one minute. When the microwave beeped, she took the plate and placed it on the table

"Come eat," Natasha said.

"I said I wasn't—"

"That's an order," Natasha smirked.

Nadia sat down and eyed the food suspiciously.

"Relax. I didn't poison it or anything," she said amused.

After trying some, Nadia dug right in. Natasha poured herself some wine and watched as Nadia devoured the food.

"It's not going anywhere," Natasha laughed while drinking from her cup.

"Can I have whatever you're drinking?"

"Yeah, sure," Natasha said, pouring her a glass then handing it to her.

Nadia gulped down the drink, "This tastes like apple juice. Got anything stronger?"

"No, sorry. That was the only thing they had. We should go grocery shopping soon anyways. There's not much here," Natasha spoke.

Nadia nodded, "I'm going to go train now."

"Need a sparring partner?"

"Wouldn't hurt," she responded.

They made their way into the training room and took off their shoes and socks.

"Come at me," Natasha said, ready in a fighting stance.

Nadia was having second thoughts, "I don't wanna hurt you."

Natasha rolled her eyes, "I can take it. Come at me."

Natasha and Nadia began to circle each other. Natasha was patiently waiting for her opponent to strike. Nadia was waiting for an opening too. Her first blow was aimed at Natasha's right shoulder, to knock her balance. But Natasha blocked it easily.

"That's all you got?" Natasha teased.

"I'm just getting started," Nadia smirked.

Nadia lunged at her, but she defected the blow once again. They continued to fight in perfect harmony, knowing exactly what the other person was gonna do and blocking it a second before it happened. When Natasha attacked once more, Nadia grabbed her and slammed her to the ground. With a single knee, the young widow pinned her down.

"Let's make a deal. If you win, you get bragging rights. If I win, you tell me how you got that scar," Natasha said struggling to get out of her hold.

Nadia, thinking she had her, agreed. But she quickly regretted it as Natasha performed a gable grip and flipped her over. She then put her in a chokehold. Nadia had almost escaped, but Natasha surprised her kneeing her in the groin.

"Tap out," Natasha said.

Nadia felt herself slipping into unconsciousness. She wanted to tap out, but she knew she would have to talk about the scar if she did.

"Tap out!" Natasha shouted.

Finally giving in, Nadia tapped on the mat. After being released, Natasha got up while Nadia remained laying down, her breathing heavy.

"What was it you said? 'I'm just getting started '?" She laughed.

Nadia huffed, "I would have escaped if you didn't do that surprise attack."

'Sure, whatever you say. A deal's a deal. So, you're gonna tell me all about that scar while we go grocery shopping," Natasha said."Agggggh," Nadia groaned.

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