Chapter 19

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"The next day she was gone. I didn't even get a goodbye. They told me she died but that's obviously not true," Nadia said.

"You couldn't have known Madame B was manipulating you," Wanda stated.

"No, but I was old enough to know to keep my mouth shut. I guess a part of me didn't want to leave the only place I ever knew," Nadia admitted.

A thought appeared in her head, and she laughed.

Wanda was confused by this.

"What's so funny?" she asked.

"Sorry, I was just picturing a scenario in my head. I tell Natasha she's my mother and her memory comes back. She accepts me and opens up to me. Like those girls from Gilmore girls," she chuckled.

"But fantasies don't ever tend to work out for me, that's why even imagining it is hilarious."

The humor made her mood change and her tears dried up.

"I don't think your relationship will be anything like the Gilmore girls, but Natasha is not heartless. She wouldn't reject you, mother or not," Wanda responded.

"I need her to believe it. I have to find a way to get her memory back or something to prove my claims. And I think I know someone who can help," Nadia said.


"Did Nat ever tell you about a man named Nikolai?"

"No, she never mentioned anyone by that name," Wanda answered.

"Well, it's a tragic love story. And I'll need to find him if Natasha is ever to remember who I am," Nadia said.

"We. You're not doing this alone," Wanda said.

"Are you sure you will be up to the task? It will not be easy," Nadia responded.

"Of course, I'm up for it, do you know who I am?"

Nadia chuckled, "The strongest avenger?"

"About time someone got it right," Wanda smirked.

"In order to find Nikolai, I'm going to have to hack his files. They've probably sent him somewhere undercover, and we can find out where he is. In the meantime, Natasha can't know that we're trying to find him and when we do go out looking, we'll need an excuse," Nadia explained.

"What If we say we're having a girl's weekend. Say you want some air and need a couple of days away from the safehouse," Wanda said.

"She'll buy it, I don't think she wants to poke the bear after what she did," Nadia replied, accepting the plan.

"Are you angry with her? For not believing you?"

"I was at first but knowing who she really is I'm just disappointed. The women I knew in the past never hurt me. And she did," Nadia said.

"She doesn't know who you are," Wanda pointed out.

"But she does. I'm Nadia, I'm the girl who was sent to kill her and the girl she saved. We spent months together; I had her back and she had mine. Natasha was my friend and at times it felt like she was my older sister. She may not know that I'm her daughter, but she knows exactly who I am," Nadia argued.

"I hope you can forgive her," Wanda said.

"Maybe one day," Nadia said.

After their chat, Wanda joined the avengers once again when dinner had just taken a turn. After a disastrous attempt to make everyone laugh at Scott shrinking the food, he had accidentally shrunk Steve.

"Lang, turn me back this instant!" Steve demanded.

"Alright, just don't be mad Captain It was totally an accident," Scot said.

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