Chapter 26

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Six Years Later

Nadia moved through the hidden facility, her steps echoing in the silence. The hum of machinery filled the air as she stumbled upon a room filled with peculiar equipment. Her eyes widened at the sight of a cloning machine, the heart of the facility.

She circled the machine, uncertainty clouding her thoughts. "It's the only way," she mumbled, fingers lightly tracing the surface. The decision weighed heavy on her shoulders. "But what if something goes wrong?" Doubt crept into her mind, planting seeds of hesitation.

In the quietness of the room, she whispered, "I need her to come back." The ache of loss lingered in her eyes, and she couldn't shake the desire to rewrite fate. "This has to work," she declared, her voice stronger now, fueled by determination.

Nadia reached into her pocket, retrieving a small vial containing Natasha's DNA sample. She stared at it for a moment, a mix of sorrow and determination in her eyes. With a deep breath, she carefully inserted the sample into the machine, sealing her commitment to this desperate act. Just as she prepared to activate the machine, a familiar voice echoed from behind her. "Shield said this place is off-limits," Nikolai stated, appearing in the doorway.

Nadia turned to face him, unfazed. "I was just looking around. I'll be out in like five minutes."

He sighed, caution in his tone. "Don't do anything stupid, kid."

"Dad, I'm not a kid, you know. I'm 21," she retorted, asserting her maturity and the gravity of her decision.

He shrugged, accepting her answer, "Fine, but if anything happens, you're responsible."

As he left, Nadia's gaze returned to the cloning machine. The button called to her, and without further hesitation, she pressed it. The machine whirred to life, and in that moment, the room held a tense silence, filled with both uncertainty and hope.

A/N: I can't believe I finnaly completed this story. First and foremost, a massive thank you for sticking with through to the end. Your support and patience mean the world to me.

Let me be real for a moment. This story was a challenge. A struggle. There were times when I doubted I'd ever reach this conclusion. But here we are, and I'm proud to say this is my first completed book. It's a surreal feeling, and I couldn't have done it without the people who read it.I owe an apology for the irregular updates and the lengthy waits between chapters. Life has a way of throwing curveballs, but your comments and votes were the constant motivation that kept me going. To those who took the time to share their thoughts and encouragement, you're the real MVPs. Your words fueled me continuing to write, so thank you to you guys.

Being a huge Marvel fan, particularly of Black Widow, writing this story was a personal mission. Endgame left a void in my Marvel heart, especially with Natasha's fate. This ending is my way of exploring what could have been. Spoiler alert: I'm still not over her sacrifice. As for the future, who knows? There might be a Part 2. I've toyed with the idea of Nadia resurfacing as a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, leading her own team. The Marvel universe is vast, and there are so many scenes I wanted to include, but I felt it was time to bring this to an end. 

Once again, thank you for being a part of this journey. Your enthusiasm kept me going, and I hope this story brought a touch of Marvel magic into your lives.

And one last thing. I will be making edits to the book. I want to give the chapters actual titles, and make sure there are no spelling mistakes. I also know that some of the writing was lazy, and not the greatest so I'm gonna make it sound better. So, if you see updates, you can ignore them or take a peek of what's been changed.

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