Chapter thirteen

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"Isn't that the old hag we helped? She's probably gonna thank us for our generous hospitality," Scot said.

"You mean my hospitality? This is my cabin," Clint responded.

"Dude, she is sitting there sinisterly stroking a cat. She evil dumbass," Sam commented.

"The old hag's name is Lilith," the woman told them.

"Lilith? What were all the other villain names taken?" Scot chuckled.

Natasha ignored him and narrowed her eyes, "what did you do?"

"Ah, Black Widow. Rumored to be the greatest assassin in the world. Too bad your mini me stole your place," Lilith mocked. 

"Does your team know?"

Natasha glared at the screen.

"I'm guessing they don't. But they will soon. Secrets always come out one way or another," she voiced.

Bucky crossed his arms, "who are you?"

"I recognize her. She was another prisoner in the raft," Wanda mentioned.

"Oh sweetie, I'm actually a reporter for the best news company in New York City. They sent me to get information on all of you. And I did. I guess it's time to pack your bags, your location is being shared as we speak," she shared. 

"We have to leave. Now," Steve spoke.

They rushed out of the house and ran to the car.

"Clint, do you have any more warehouses available?" Wanda questioned.

"Only if you call robot billionaire Tony," he responded.

"No, no way," Steve firmly said.

"Cap, maybe we should. We got nowhere else to go," Sam commented.

Steve groaned, "Fine, call him. But if we end up getting locked away I won't be breaking us out."

Clint grinned, "yes you will."

Steve grabbed his phone and dialed Tony's number.

At home, Tony was spending quality time with Pepper when his phone began to ring.

He looked at the unknown number, his wife noticed him staring down at it.

"Go, talk to him. I'm sure they need you," she said.

He got up and went outside.

Pressing the accept button he spoke into the phone, "I got your letter."

Steve took in a deep breath, he knew he had no right to ask him for any favors, but they had nobody else.

"I meant what I said. If you need us, If you needed me, I would be there. I'm hoping you share the same sentiment," Steve told him.

"Let me ask you something, Rogers. Is Bucky there with you right now?"

Bucky looked down ashamed. 

The silence told Tony he was right.

"Why didn't you know?" Tony questioned.

"Know what?"

"Why didn't you know that he killed my parents?"

"I don't know," Steve lied.

"Just tell me the truth, you owe me that much," Tony replied.

"I was scared," Steve admitted.

"I knew hydra was responsible and I knew they had sent the Winter Soldier. But I didn't know it was Bucky. I had suspicions but nothing else. And I didn't want those suspicions to be true," he stated.

"But you deserved to know. Bucky's my friend but you're my friend too. I told you once teammates don't keep secrets from each other. I was a hypocrite for not telling you and I'm sorry," Steve apologized.

"That's all I wanted to hear," Tony said.

"Put Bucky on the phone," he said.

"Tony, he was brainwashed and he didn't know what he was-"

"Steve, I know. Put him on."

He handed the phone over to Bucky.

The man heard nothing but silence on the other line.

"Tony, I'm sorry for what I did to your parents, and however you think I should pay for it, I'll comply."

"At ease soldier," said Tony.

"I don't think it's your fault, at least not anymore. I can never understand how it must have been to be forced to kill. I don't have the right to judge you Bucky," he stated.

"How's your shoulder?"

"Still armless," Bucky responded. 

"Tell you what, I'll send you a prototype prosthetic arm I'm working on If you consider something for me."

"Consider what?"

"Sign the accords. You would no longer be a fugitive," Tony said.

"I can't do that," Bucky responded.

"You feel guilty about every life the winter soldier took, I know you do. You want redemption. And signing those papers will give you that. I'm not asking for a yes, I'm asking for you to think it over before saying no," Tony replied.

"Okay. I'll think about it," he agreed.

"Good. I'll text you the address of the safehouse, and have one of my assistants send you the arm," Tony stated.

Buck hesitated for a moment, he wanted to thank Tony. Everything he had done was so easily forgiven, and he felt like he didn't deserve it. The guilt for all of the blood spilled was weighing down on his chest. The Winter Soldier may have been in control, but it was still his body, his fingers pulling the trigger. He didn't know how anyone could forgive that. 

"I don't know what to say."

"Then don't. See you soon Bucky," Tony said, then hung up.

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