Chapter twenty-two

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She slowed down and switched places then drifted off into sleep.

"It's time Nadia," said the man.

Nadia sat on her bed and looked up at the sound of the voice. She took note of how he looked; it was the same uniform he had worn the past three days since she was delivered to him. A gray suit and red polka dot tie.

He walks around with his infamous clipboard in his hand tossing it down on the desk beside the bed.

"It's a big day for you," he said before adjusting his glasses.

His dry bland voice only added to the suspense Nadia was feeling, "are you settling in well?"

Nadia, struggling to speak, cleared her throat and spoke in a raspy voice, "I'm doing my best."

"That's good," he complimented.

He sat down awfully close to her giving her a creepy smile, "I like when my money is well spent."

The old man pat Nadia on the back, making sure to give his best grin, "you cost me a fortune. I hope you prove to me and this organization your loyalty or we will simply have no use for you."

"I will prove my loyalty to you, sir," Nadia replied.

"I know you will. The red room did an amazing job teaching you to be obedient," he smiled, grabbing her chin.

"Now say the words. You should have memorized them by now," he commanded.

"Hail Hydra. Cut off a limb, and two more shall take its place," she recited.

He looked at her proudly, "perfect. Join us in the lab in an hour. The experiments will begin."

"And you will no longer be needing these," he said, removing the handcuffs letting her hands be free.

He added, "here at hydra there is no need for binds."

Before Nadia could say anything, the room went pitch black and when the lights turned on, she was somewhere else.

"Is she ready for this?" she heard a familiar voice say.

"Yes, her vitals are steady, so the risk of death is lowered from 75% to 47.8%," another voice stated.

In an attempt to stand she tried to move her arms, only to see they were strapped down along with the rest of her body. As she struggled, a black figure appeared over the bed she was strapped to. The silhouette pulled out a syringe and a scalpel.

"This is gonna hurt," said the voice as a white grin appeared across the shadow's face, piercing her skin with the small blade.

Nadia moves as much as she can. Her hands were in a fist. Even though her body was forced into one place her mind knew what she wanted to do in that very moment. She wished she could punch every single person in the room. But that wouldn't be possible and even in pain she knew that. So, she tried and tried. Moving her legs and feet. She attempted to bite her binds but to no avail. 

"Help!" She yelled.

"Help," she begged over and over before she was stabbed with a needle making her drowsy.

She gasped for air. She was feeling more and more confined by the minute and the hot room made it hard for her to breath.

She attempted to yell, "help... me..."

Her voice was fading, but in a last stitch effort she used all the energy she had to shout as loud as possible, "Daniel!"

She wakes up to a swerving car and a dent in the roof, looking as if the damage has come from the inside. No one seems to be harmed but before she knew it the car crashed. Natasha stared at her in shock right before Nikolai shouted in fear.

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