Chapter twenty-three

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The three of them split ways and Nadia reaches the third floor. She finds the room that Nikolai describes and walks inside. She looks around trying to locate the machine, but Madame B walks in."Looking for this?" Madame B questioned, pointing and standing in front of it.

Nadia squinted her eyes in confusion at the sight in front of her but was also unfazed because of how often people came back from the dead. She masked her surprise by grinning.

"I thought Natasha sent you back to the dinosaur ages," she said.

"You should know a black widow never goes down without a fight," Madame B said.

Madame B raises her hand gesturing for Nadia to come towards her, challenging her.

"Or I could just do this," Nadia said.

She screams to the top of her lungs letting out a destructive wave that knocks over Madame B. Nadia smiles and goes over to the machine. Madame B grabs her leg.

"That's not how I taught you. Show me how a real widow does it," she said before pulling her down to the ground.

Nadia stands and goes into a fighting stance. She throws punches and kicks without hesitating, but they're all countered. She realizes that Madame B knows all her moves and that it's impossible for any attack to hit her. Instead of going in for another one she waited and was now doing the countering. Just as Madame B got close enough, she headbutted her.

Madame B held her hand up to her forehead, "now that's more like it."

"Alena would be proud," she commented.

Nadia sent her a glare, "don't talk about her."

"Why not? Don't tell me you still feel guilty," Madame B said."

Yeah, sorry to let you down but I'm not a soldier. I'm a human being with emotions," Nadia stated.

"You were always meant to be something more. You and your mother. But you both went soft. Became a disappointment. It's too bad, you had so much potential. Now it's all gone to waste."

Madame B grabbed a Katana that was beside her, "you remember how to use one of these, correct?"

"Hand me one and find out," Nadia replied.Madame B grabs another one and throws it to her letting Nadia swiftly catch it. They both are ready to fight once again and start circling one another.

"Sword fighting was never your strong suit," Madame B stated.

"That's because you played dirty," Nadia responded.

"No one ever plays fair," Madame B said.

She went in to cut across Nadia's body, but Nadia quickly stepped back. Madame B was skilled, and this allowed her to quickly jab her opponent. She then goes in for more attacks, but Nadia blocks them all and parries them. Nadia sees this as a victory and is now confident, but it doesn't last long. Madame B sweeps her leg, sending her to the floor.

"You will never learn," she said.

Nadia smirked, "that's what you think."

She grabs Madame B's legs and throws her off balance and pulls her to the floor. She quickly jumps on top of Madame B and brings the knife to her throat.

"See you in hell," she said.

"She will never accept you as her own," Madame B cried out.

Nadia's eyes began to swell with tears causing her to loosen her grip and let the women escape. Madame B laughs and shakes her head.

"What did I say? A disappointment," she scoffed.

Nadia felt a rage like no other and she couldn't stop herself shouting to the top of her lungs.

"I don't need your approval!"

As she shouted, her power was released once again but more destructive than the last. The shockwave pushed Madame B against the wall, crushing her slowly. Her ears bled as the sound echoed through her skull while she wailed in pain, before her head popped leaving a headless corpse.

Nadia's glared at what was left of her, "if I'm titanium than your copper."

Meanwhile in another room...

"No, you cannot come with me," Nikolai said.

"Nik, I'm a grown woman. I can handle Whitehall," Natasha argued.

She moved to go around him as he was blocking the door to the next hallway, but he was quick and stepped in front of her once again.

"I know you can, beautiful. But you are an avenger now, yes?"

"Technically we were disbanded but what's your point?"

"Avengers don't kill unarmed people. You do that and you are no better than he is. I will not allow any more blood to be on your hands. Let me do this for you," Nikolai replied.

"I wasn't trained to be a coward," Natasha stated.

"He hurt the one thing I love most in this world. He doesn't deserve to be in this world, and I want to be the one to exile him permanently," she said.

Nikolai smiled, "You love Nadia?"

"I can't describe why I have this strong feeling towards her. Ever since she stepped foot into my apartment, I knew I needed to be there. To protect and help. She reminds me of myself in the most overwhelming ways," Natasha answered.

"She looks like me. Talks like me. Fights like me. She even has my sense of humor...I even see a little of you in her."


"Is it possible? Is she ours Nik?"

He answered her honestly, "yes."

Tears fell from Natasha's eyes, "I can't have kids. How could this happen?"

"Nat, they found a way to reverse it and used my sperm," he clarified.

"I don't remember anything. I don't remember giving birth. Why don't I remember?"

"Because you told me to erase your memory," he disclosed.

"Why would I do that?"

"I found you locked up and tortured. Dreykov caught us. I could have beaten him to a pulp, but he said that I would never see my daughter. Natasha, he didn't care about you anymore. He wanted her to make her into a better weapon. So, he gave you a choice," Nikolai explained.

"If you stayed, they would ship Nadia somewhere else. A place worse than the red room. But if you left, they would erase any memory you had of her and she would stay where she was," he said.

"You asked me to be the one to do it."

They heard footsteps behind them. Turning around, they seen Nadia. She had heard everything. She frowned and looked at Nikolai. 

"You lied to me?"

"Nadia, I-"

She held up her hand to silence him. The now angry girl turned her attention to the red-haired women. She struggled to get her words out as her anger quickly changed into sadness. 

"And left me on purpose?"

Natasha shook her head, "I-I don't remember doing those things. But I know it was the right decision. You would have been placed somewhere worse than the red room."

"I was placed somewhere worse. Or did you forget about what hydra did to me?"

"Let's just take a breath, okay? Nadia did you get it?" Nikolai questioned.

Nadia nodded and tossed a tiny glass bottle to him.

"Give it to her. Or don't. It won't change a thing," Nadia said.

She passed by him and walked down the hallway.

They followed her.

"Where are you going?" Nikolai asked.

"There's one last person who still has to pay," Nadia responded.

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