Chapter Seven

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"I think it's time we pay my old friend Mason a visit. We'll need a Quin Jett to get us there."

"There, as in the raft? So you've decided to finally do it?"

Natasha nods, "I think they've suffered in that hell hole long enough. We can find Steve and make a plan then. No doubt he's going to be making a move soon."

"Then I'll get ready," Nadia said.

Nadia got up from the sofa. Natasha glanced at her and spotted something on her hands. Before Nadia could make her way to the bathroom Natasha grabbed her arm.

"What is that?" Natasha questioned.

"Just some scratches. Got it when we were attacked in the grocery store," Nadia said.

Even though Nadia lied perfectly Natasha could see right through it. She was a liar and master manipulator. She could tell when someone was lying. Nadia for a fact was.

"It's been days since then. If that were true it wouldn't be bleeding. So I'll ask again. What is that?"

"I don't have to tell you anything," Nadia spat, yanking her arm away.

"Besides we have avengers to go save," she said.


"I can track his car to find where he is. I just need Steve's license plate," Nadia explained.

"1YR31I," Natasha told her.

"Why do you have that on your phone?" Nadia asked.

"In case we were in a situation like this."

"No, I meant you don't memorize everything?"

"You do?"

Nadia nods, "Photographic memory."

"Must be a hydra thing," she shrugged.

Nadia began to hack away on Natasha's laptop. In minutes she found the car and its location.

"Lucky us. He's here in Norway," Nadia said.

"There are 48 cities. How are we supposed to find him?" Natasha questioned.

"You know him best. Did he mention anything at all that could be useful?"

"I don't know. All he talked about was being in the mood for apple pie. The fossil hadn't eaten all day. I could hear his stomach growling from the other side of the room," Natasha responded.

"Okay. So what town makes the best apple pies?"

Natasha thought for a moment before it clicked.

"Grab your stuff. We're going to Tonsberg."

"By the way, nice job doing it fast. Not as fast as I probably would've done it but close," Natasha commented.

"Please. I can hack circles around you. When's the last time you even touched a computer? The 1990's?" Nadia remarked.

"I've been hacking since even before you were in diapers, child. Next time I'll show you how it's done in half the time it took you," Natasha boasted.

"Is that a challenge?"

"No, it's a promise," Natasha said confidently.

Natasha and Nadia arrive at their destination. They tracked his license and found where he was supposedly staying. Walking up to the house Natasha knocked on the door.

"Any prehistoric dinosaurs home?!" Natasha shouted.

Natasha proceeds to keep knocking and Nadia rolls her eyes.

"I got an idea," Nadia says as she pulls a bobby pin from her hair then attempts to pick the lock.

As the door opens Nadia comments, "Maybe you're the prehistoric dinosaur."

The place was empty.

Nadia sat on a rocking chair and made herself comfortable.

"Might as well relax since we're gonna be waiting," she said.

Natasha sat across from her. Now that she had the time she examined Nadia up and down. The girl didn't look too good. They were bags under her eyes.

"You look tired," Natasha commented.

Nadia closed her eyes in protest and didn't respond knowing where the conversation was headed.

"It's finally catching up to you huh?" Natasha asked.

"What do you mean?" Nadia replied in confusion.

"You have bags under your eyes, it's either the lack of sleep, or a lot of stress," Natasha explained.

Nadia stared at her, not saying a word. She hoped if she was quiet Natasha would take the hint but she soon realized that it was not happening.

"I know you haven't been sleeping, what's keeping you up?"

Still no response.

Natasha decided to go to what might be the root of the problem.

"Hydra on your mind?"

"More than you think" Nadia sighed.

"Wanna talk about those scars on your hand yet," Natasha asked.

Nadia got up from the couch, "I would but I'm just so hungry. I wonder what the old man got in the fridge."

"You're such a child," Natasha muttered.

Nadia rolled her eyes but didn't say anything. She didn't want anything steering them back into that conversation.

"Yeah, this is definitely the right place," Nadia commented looking in the fridge to see nothing but one big pie.

She took it out and got a fork.

Taking a bite, Nadia's eyes went wide.

She moaned in pleasure as she took another bite.

"Did you just-"

"I see why he likes the pie here," Nadia said.

"You want some?" She asked Natasha

"You have a little-" she said pointing at pie crumbs on Nadia's face.

After the young widow wiped it off the front door opened.

"Natasha, what are you doing here?" Steve asked, surprised.

He walked further into the room accompanied by Bucky Barnes.

He glanced at Nadia and then the pie.

"Who's the girl and why is she eating my pie?" 

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