Chapter Eight

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"It's a long story. One that we don't have time for. We're breaking everyone out. Tonight," Natasha stated.

Steve nodded, "How are we getting there?"

"Quinjet. Bucky you're coming too."

"Nat, can you give Bucky and me a minute? We were kinda in the middle of something,"

"Oh yeah sure our friends are rotting in an underwater prison but your conversation must be way more important"

"My sarcasm is rubbing off on you," Nadia praised.

The two walked to the car, "What do you think they're talking about?" Nadia asked.

"Probably unfinished business," Natasha said.


"The Rafts, a supermax facility. Has better security and a separate power grid. So we need to be on our A-game."

"What's the plan?"

"Nadia, you stay here and hack the computer system that controls the facility door, then from there disable security."

"No, It's been way too long since I've kicked someone's ass. I'm coming with you," she said determinedly.

"No, you're gonna worry about your own ass, and stay right here. I want you to use that skill," Natasha pointed to the laptop.

"You're not the boss of me," Nadia grumbled, in a low voice.

"What was that?" Natasha questioned, hearing her.

"I said I'm fine with staying here," she smiled fakely.

"As I was saying, Nadia while you do that, Bucky will stay here with you and keep the jet intact, me and Steve will locate the rest of the team and bring them back."

"Steve, before you go, I wanted to say that everything I've done, the things happening because of me-"

"Save it, Buck."

"I've said it before and I'll say it again. I'm with you till the end of the line. Now, take care of the kid while I save some friends."

"Hey, who is he calling a kid," Nadia questioned, annoyed.

"You better come back in one piece," Bucky told Steve as he and Natasha dropped from the jet and into the water.

"I love a good bromance," Nadia stated.

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