Chapter Six

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After the chase the next couple of days were weird. They had gone back to the safehouse. Their scars and bruises healed quickly thanks to their stronger immune system. Natasha was quiet and kept to herself. When Nadia tried to accompany her or crack a joke she would be told to leave her alone. Nadia hated the silence but she would soon wish to have at least one second back. She had begun to receive messages. A voice in her head telling her to "steal this". "Question her". When she didn't comply she would get this pain like an electric migraine. Someone was watching her. Hydra most likely. She still refused to comply but her handler was getting impatient. She soon realized that there was a kill switch implanted somewhere in her body.

So as much as she hated it she complied. Then assignments started. "Follow him". "Flirt with them". She left the safehouse occasionally. Natasha wouldn't care. She was always sleeping most of the time. At least that's what she thought. When she came back from one of her assignments Natasha was waiting for her in the living room.

"Where you been?"

"Around," she answered, walking past her heading to the kitchen.

Natasha got up and followed her.

"Where have you been Nadia?" She questioned again.

Nadia stared at nothing. She was getting another message from her handler. "Argue with her".

"Hello? I asked you a question," Natasha said.

"No," she muttered, refusing to comply.

"Excuse me?" Natasha spoke hearing her.

Nadia groaned and held her head in pain.

"Woah what's wrong?" Natasha asked.

Nadia couldn't bear the headache she was receiving so she gave in.

"Just leave me alone Natasha," Nadia yelled.

Natasha remained calm, "not until you tell me what the hell is going on with you."

Releasing her head she was back to normal.

"Why do you even care?" Nadia questioned.

"I'm worried. Despite what you probably think Nadia, I care about you."

Walking up to her with a blank relaxed expression Nadia said, "dont."

After the cold encounter with Nadia, Natasha kept her distance. Nadia was back to her routine of assignments. After a long night, the young widow slept like a log. The next morning she felt the warmness of the sun on her face. Her lips slowly moved into a smile but it was removed as she heard a continuous beeping noise. She opened her eyes and groaned seeing she had a new assignment.

"Break the avengers out of prison."

Natasha wasn't exactly ignoring Nadia but when the girl started trying to make small talk with her suddenly she didn't respond. Her instincts were telling her she wanted something but she was hoping that maybe the young girl missed her. The next following day Nadia joined her on the sofa.

"I'm sorry," Nadia said, breaking the ice.

Natasha didn't respond so the girl decided to go in-depth about what she was sorry about.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you and making you worry," she told her.

She added, "I don't know what you saw back there. I just know you haven't been the same since. And I've missed you. Please say something."

"I've missed you too, kid," Natasha said, smirking.

"I thought we were past that" Nadia whined.

Nadia rolled her eyes. "Since I like apologized, can you agree to never call me that again?"

Natasha chuckles, "I'll need three to five business days to think about it. Till then you're stuck with it kid."

The room went silent. Both of the girls were deep in their thoughts. Natasha was still dealing with seeing Nikolai alive. The man she loved and married a long time ago was no longer dead. She knew hydra had gotten to him that much was obvious due to the terrible hail hydra phrase he whispered. But how were they able to bring him back to life. Bucky Barnes was different. He never died from the fall. She watched Nikolai die in her arms. He had no pulse. He wasn't breathing.

Nadia was trying to cope with the fact that someone was watching her. That she was lying and manipulating Natasha. She knew that when they broke the avengers out of prison their reunion would be short. Everything she did say was true. The apology and her missing Natasha. It was all true. Her time with Natasha may have been short but she felt like family. She was the only person who didn't abuse and belittle her. Knowing that she was going to have to hurt Natasha crushed her. She was in just as much pain as Natasha was.

The young widow looked at Natasha just in time to see a tear roll down her face. Natasha noticing wipes the tear quickly and turns her body away from her.

"What did you see?" Nadia asked.

"I can't say."

"Why not?"

"Because I don't know if what I saw was real Nadia."

"The look on your face when we were in that car said differently. It had to be real. What did you see?"

"Not what. Who. I saw him. I saw Nikolai," her voice broke.

"How is that possible? I thought you said he was killed in the war," Nadia said.

"Hydra brought him back to life. How is this even possible?" Natasha put her face into her hands.

"Are you really surprised? I mean Thor wasn't supposed to exist and he does. A man who turns into a green monster whenever he gets angry wasn't supposed to be possible. Hydra is ruthless and would stop at nothing for world domination. And I'm guessing being able to bring someone back from the dead was something they already had on their bucket list," Nadia responded.

"He's being controlled. But it's different from you and me. He's aware of what he's doing. I know because he apologized to me before trying to kill me," Natasha stated.

"I'm sorry you have to relive this Nat. I promise I'll do anything I can to help you."  

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