Chapter 22 - War of Succession Part 3: The Final Battle of Link

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Guile's Army
Outside Link

Guile scans the field. Bodies lay littered and scattered about from the previous battles. Neither side have had the time to clean up. The now afternoon sun hung high in the air with scattered clouds. The Town walls stood heavily damaged from previous battles but he could see the damage done from last night. The field cannons they had used to assault the town were still there as well. Perhaps they could make use of them. There hadn't been enough time for the defenders to scavenge the battlefield for supplies and weapons.

Guile was sitting atop a horse along with 64 calvarymen half of which were archers. 150 foot archers, 380 foot soldiers carrying shields and various weapons. 3 magic users and 3 healers. In total he gathered 600 men for this battle. It wasn't enough to take over the town but the objective wasn't to take the town, it was to capture the Princess.

He sees movement on the walls and begins to issue his orders not wanting to give them time to solidify their defense.

"Listen up! First we secure those field cannons. Use them to weaken the defenders on the wall and keep them pinned. Archers lay down cover fire until the cannons are secure and continue to concentrate fire on the wall. Once the cannons are secure provide use them to provide cover fire for the footmen's advance until they reach the wall with their siege ladders. Once the wall is clear of enemies we will secure the gate and open it from the inside. Once the gate is open we will initiate a calvary charge and overwhelm the defenders on the inside! Magic Users and Healers will provide support as they see fit. Our objective is to secure the Princess!" For the future of Ateria we will be victorious this day!"

His men let out a battlecry.

"Footmen prepare to charge on my mark!"

"Archers Ready!"

The archers load their bows.


They aim into the sky.


Their arrows arc across the sky.


Under the cover of arrows the footman charge. The final battle of Link had begun.


"Incoming! Take coverrr!" Arden shouts.

A swarm of arrows rain down on them from the sky. Arden puts up a magical shield to protect himself. But others were not so lucky. Many of them find their marks. Some succumb to multiple arrows penetrating their bodies others are wounded. The ones that survive are those who protected themselves through magic or physical shields.

He looks over a Tesla who to his surprise could also use magic. He too was using the defensive magic spell shield. Once the first volley of arrows finished raining he had his own archers return fire. They release their arrows at the charging footmen. It was all they could do since they had the cannons were either destroyed or had no cannonballs left to fire. They hadn't had the time to scavenge the battlefield for supplies weapons and ammo left from the previous battle.


The sound of Tesla's magic tool rang out. Which each shot an enemy fell. It was far more effective and powerful than any arrow. It was able to penetrate armor with ease. Some tried to shield themselves from the invisible threat but that too proved to be useless.

Another volley of arrows rain down on them and they hunker down once again.

The footmen were steadily making progress towards the wall under the cover arrow fire from their rear. When they are able to safely return fire again Arden sees that they've managed to reach the field cannons left behind from the last battle.

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