Chapter 1-A Night to Remember

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This is my original work on Wattpad, any copying of any part of this book without my consent is plagiarism.

Recently updated November 15 2022:

🍃Hi all, to readers old and new. This book has amazed me beyond my wildest dreams, and I hope you all enjoy it even more as I continue writing.💐

🌼I never had a goal for this book and never expected it to get so many reads since February of this year when I published the first chapter.🌸

🍁I want this story to send a message that no one is defined by others. That amidst systems and societies that stifle the talents and strengths of people, there are always a few who don't back down or give in.⚔️

🔥Furthermore, there are situations in this book that I personally would never condone. But they are essential to the show the growth, of not just the main protagonist, but of other characters she comes into contact with. Especially the morally gray love interest who I have no doubt, will be bashed heavily. 🪸

🪷All in all, I intend for this book to be a learning experience for everyone. Parts of this book have been inspired by what is experienced in our own world. And no, this is not political, please do not bring politics into this for the sanity of everyone, don't. 🐲

🌺I wish all of you a safe journey, and may the gods guide you wherever they might be. Also please follow me on my Ticktock account, Talespinner56, I have a bunch of aesthetics videos for this book, so please feel free to check those out. I also recently included an information video on my Ticktock as well. 🖤

✨Update- February 7th, 2023:
🔮 This book in its entirety is now complete!!🌹


I am not ready to be a woman. No matter what Elder Drizella says, I will not be finding a mate this season. Jungle roots and underbrush, crumble under my bare feet as I run through the humid night air. My lungs burn as I keep up my brutal pace. Rocks and sharp sticks cut into my soles, leaving a thin trail of ruby red blood behind me. Branches slash at my brown cotton shift, tearing more holes into the well loved fabric. The flow of tears continues down my face, the sign of the harsh reprimand I was given just minutes earlier.

"You will shame us!" my grandmother shrieked, her salt gray hair thrashing back and forth as she grumbled. "You have a duty to the pod, find a mate and breed strong Mer."

Then she had slapped me, making me fall down onto the sandy floor of our hut. Her shell bracelet cutting my face, sending drops of blood to stain the ground. I had run then, pushing past my useless mother and escaping into the quickly darkening island jungle.

Now I run, faster and faster over termite filled logs. Rocks covered in lush ferns and bright tropical flowers, some fragrant and some deadly. I don't know where I run to, all I know is I have to get away, far away. I run and run until I trip on an ancient fallen tree.

I go tumbling onto the muddy ground, the green like muck coating my face down to my chest. Slowly, I push myself up and take a second to consider my surroundings. Behind me, the lush forest and my destructive path from my pod's seaside village. To my right and left, more jungle for me to hide in. Then in front of me, a series of crumbling stone steps descending down to a dark rocky pool.

The murky green water calls to me. As if in a trance, I make my way down the slippery steps. Crickets chirp in the over grown grass, bats shriek overhead, and the smell of potent night jasmine fills the dewy air. Down here, at this large fern hidden pool, is where I truly feel at peace.

No mean whispers behind my back, or words of reassurance from those who don't truly mean it. As the yellow moon above, shines through the tree canopy overhead. I trace the raised scars upon my bare shoulders. The brown gold scales rough against my fingertips, so different from the softness of my wine dark hair.

I sigh, a long exhalation of exhaustion and sorrow. If only I were like the other girls, without flaws, beautiful, and free from worries. Except, I am not, and that's what makes some of them hate me. What made my grandmother hurt me so, all the while my mother watched as she held my dead father's compass in her shaking palms.

Without fear, I step into the watery murk. Inch by inch I descend up to my waist in the dark pool. Slowly but surely, skin gives way to scales, legs give way to a tail, and my feet give way to fins. My true form is beauty of its own. Scales of dark brown gold, and fins the shade of aging copper. No one else has such a form, the other females having scales as bright as tropical fish.

As such, many think my tail an ugly thing, but I love it. The males prefer their mates to be bubbly and pampered little guppies. Their tails in shades of coral pink, sunset purple, and sea foam blue. Pretty colors to bring attention away from the venomous barb between our flukes. Like the others I have a barb, one for protection that all Southern Mer have. Our waters are the reason for it, filled with sharks, orca, and squid that find Mer to be a tasty treat.

However, in this beautiful pool I am safe. All there is here is small fish, and little crabs burrowing into the sandy bottom below. I swim to the far side of the pool, where my favorite rock lies covered in purple and blue lichen. Pushing the top portion of my body up on the rock, I settle myself onto the soft moss.

With my tail still dipped into the pool, I trace my finger on top of the water. Back and forth I weave it, chuckling lightly when small guppies try to nip at my skin. Calm removes all the fear from my body at last. Now there is only me, the water, the moon, and the gentle melody of the sleeping island jungle.

Suddenly, I hear a splash on the opposite side of the pool. A spike of fear goes up my spine, and I quickly pull myself fully up onto my rock. My tail turns back to mud streaked legs, and dirt covered feet. I quiet my breathing when I find the source of the splash. A Mer, a male Mer has found his way to my secret pool.

His midnight black hair shining underneath the moon. In his sun blemished hand, is a flat rock. This male is throwing rocks in my pool. I thank the many mothers for the cluster of low hanging palms behind me. Their drooping fronds hiding my rock, and me from this male.

This male with green eyes like a glowing eel, with a lean body covered in hard muscle. Coarse cotton pants hug his strong legs, and his young face is harsh and strong like a summer storm. I can't help but stare, my eyes watching him with fascination and slow burning hatred.

My nails dig into the sides of my lounging rock. My jaw begins to ache as I clench my teeth, forcing myself to remain quiet. I wish to yell at him, to scream, but I know deep down he is a predator like me. We Southern Mer are a harsh people, the males even more so. They, like the females, don't only have a barb, but teeth and claws that can cut flesh.

That's why it is fear that alone keeps me from letting my anger free. I fear young males like him, they can be cruel as they can be kind and gentle. I fear what this male would do if he found me. So now I pray in silence, watching him ruin the quiet of my safe haven. Hoping that he will leave, and never come back.

It seems the many mothers do not agree with my plea for safety. A cold wind blows through the jungle, whipping the palm fronds back for just a second. A second that lasts long enough, for the male to see my dirty frightened form. Now exposed, I wrap myself into a ball on the rock. The resounding splash of the male entering the water, has me frozen to my once calming rock.

I shiver and shake as he draws closer. The sound of his tail slapping the pool, fills me with cold. The harsh yank on my ankle follows. I don't fight his grip as my back drags across the rock and into the murky water.

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