Chapter 16-To Dance or Not to Dance

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🌼I'd like to thank all of you again for reading this.
Yes this chapter took a while for me to write, but life as everyone knows can get in the way.
Just a little bit.🌸

🍃If anyone wants to help suggest possible story ideas for this, beyond the main plot of course.
That would be a great help.🌺

🥸I will also answer any questions as well, yes I keep repeating myself I'm weird, I'm nuts, just trying to get this stuff out there people🤪

Ok I'll stop enjoy 😊 😉
"Come on you lazy lizard," Adila teases, grabbing hold of my wrist. "We will need to find good spots no?"

Octavia follows as Adila drags me towards the line of benches set back from the bonfire. Leaving a clear circle of ground for dancers, and the series of drums and flutes of the musicians. Goosebumps flitter up my arms, as shadows move and shift on the ground from the torchlight. My stomach squeezes as we wind our way through the jubilant crowd.

With so many people around me I grow uneasy. Especially when the eligible males spot me and my friends. My skin crawls as their leering eyes skitter to and for over my body. If not for Adila's hand on mine, I would be over to the males in a thrice. Probably even throttling them for sizing me up, like the roasting boar over the cook fire spit.

The thought of food instantly dispels my anger. Instead my stomach rumbles when I catch the smell of roasting meat, steaming vegetables, and the tang of herbs and kelp simmering in the large iron stewpot. To the left of the benches and flickering bonfire. The drums continue to sound, from the constant beating of the older male's hands on them.

Booming beats that send my bones rattling in my skin, as we sit at the very end of the front bench. I watch as a trio of female Mer, join the musicians with their wooden pipes. A gentle yet vibrant melody from the pipes, mixes with the drums. Creating a jubilant and foot tapping tune, that has me longing to swing my body to the melody of animal hide and wood.

It makes my heart beat faster in my chest, quickly I straighten my spine. Mimicking Adila's perfect posture of calm and unwavering strength. Octavia follows suite, matching our flat palms in our laps, with shoulders back and ankles crossed. Despite my efforts, I find my breath hitch slightly as Ares and his friend Marcus sit directly behind us.

I ignore him the best I can, even when I feel the heat of his stare coursing through my thin dress and into my back. I watch quietly as the rest of the pod settles down onto the benches. Of course the rest of the eligible females join us. Increasing our number to ten girls on the one bench. My ears buzz as they whisper, giggle, and snicker behind their hands.

Totally oblivious to our counterparts, who at this moment are sizing each of us up with bared greedy gazes. It makes my stomach turn sour, and I find myself digging my nails into my palms to distract me. "If only they would hurry up," I grumble under my breath.

"They should," Adila whispers, turning her golden gaze to the tables laden with food. "But first they have to make sure Elder Morzan doesn't eat all the grub."

We both giggle as we set our eyes on the Elder. His tall stature dwarfing his mate Elder Isolde, as she tugs him away from the steaming food. A look of utter longing plastered on his face, while his old gnarled hand reaches out for one of the heavily buttered crab cakes. I don't blame him, it's been a long while since I had Isolde's mouthwatering stew.

A hush falls over us as Elder Drizella walks over to the bare ground before the fire. Her long knee length gray hair, fluttered in the wind that seemed to move the branches above with unseen hands. The Elder cuts a stately figure, her purple dress complimenting the chocolate brown of her skin. Supple sandals of leather cover her feet, and bracelets of clear river rocks wring round her wrists. The soft cheekbones of her face, don't take away from the seriousness of her dark eyes gaze. Which seems to settle on me for far longer, as she takes in us girls before her.

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